Showing posts with label To Gnome Me is to Love Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label To Gnome Me is to Love Me. Show all posts


Foodie Friday --

Sorry, no recipe today. Instead there are a couple of freebies available.

This book has tips and tricks to lose weight, while providing a few candy recipes. This book is a short version of my weight loss efforts.

Yes, it's in my typical no-nonsense words about the journey, but the candy recipes are worth the read!

Click on the book cover to download the book.

To Gnome Me Is To Love Me is still available for free. Today is the last day!

Click on the book coves and the link will take you to Amazon US.

I don't think the American link will click to the various incarnations of Amazon across the world. If you are in a country other than US, then click the title or my name, M. A. Golla, and put it in your Amazon account, as the freebie is matched in all available Amazon locations.

As always, I hope you enjoy reading my stories. If you feel compelled, please give the book a rating and your honest feedback about the story.

And if you really, really need a recipe, then feel free to pull down the Foodie Friday tab as I have linked all  the recipes that I've posted under that tab.

Yes, even last wee's Ardsheal House Shortbread (under cookies) and Creamy Pesto Lasagna (under entrees, chicken).

As always, take your time and nose around on my blog, feel free to drop me a line, or just enjoy what I have to offer.

Later, Peeps!



Too Late! Sorry!
In celebration of my birth month -- and my inability to write a blog this month -- I'm offering my e-books for free!
If you've wanted to read them, but didn't have the money, now is the chance to download them.
Or if you live in another country and want to practice reading English, now is your chance to download them.
Or if you have a friend who wants to read them, but his/her mom won't let them spend the money, now is your chance to spread the word for the free download.

FREE In chronological order:
To Gnome Me Is To Love Me -- August 5-7
The Fast and the FAERIEous -- August 8-10
A Maze of Monster Mix-Ups -- August 11-13
 For Whom the Bell Trolls-- August 14-16

Sugar Plum Disaster-- August 17-19 

Lost Leprechaun Loot  -- August 20-22
And if for some reason, you missed the free download time, I'm offering

ALL of my books for free on August 23-24!!

They are all here on my Amazon author page, M. A. Golla
Hints & Suggestions:
  • The linked books above are for the US Amazon store. If you want the Amazon store in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, India, Canada, or Brazil, then click these links and it will take you to my Amazon author page for each country.
  • Choose the free book and download to your Kindle or computer/phone with free Kindle app.
  • Verify the free book prior to downloading! Amazon runs on Greenwich Mean Time . . . and I haven't a clue as to what that entails for other parts of the world! 
  • Did you know that Amazon charges the author for every book returned? So please, make sure the book is free before you download it. I don't want to have to pay Amazon . . .
Enjoy my stories!

As always. feel free to post a review, good or not so good, on Amazon.


Later, Peeps!



Crisis of Faith

Last week I had one good writing day and then pffffttt! Nothing.

I was in the "why bother" mode? No one buys my books. No one reviews my books. I can't get industry professionals to read beyond my query letter. What's the point?

Why bother to write the next story? 

Therefore, I started making candy. I love making candy. It soothes my soul.

Back to my story-- Hubs has been seriously stressing over the move his office is doing. It's a big move with lots of little plates to juggle on two sticks and he's the juggler. And the kidlet has been working hard to keep A's in all her classes.

So I decided we needed a break from 'stuff', and we took a day trip to Silver Dollar City. I've written about this SDC a few times. We mostly go there to ride the rides. This time it was an off weekend and we pretty much walked onto most of the rides--especially the roller coasters.

The drive is quite long for a day trip (3.5 hours one way), and we planned to leave the house at 6 AM. Of course, we didn't pull out of the driveway to gas up the car until 6:40.

The kidlet had stuff to keep her occupied: games, books, her phone and the Kindle Fire she won in a drawing contest.

--Yes, she has a nicer Kindle than I do!

Hubs and I were talking while she was playing Temple Run and it wasn't until she blurted out, "Heebie-jeebie dance? Mom, really?" did I realize she was actually reading GNOME, book one of The Goblin's Apprentice.

Rewind here--when I celebrated my birthday, I gave away ALL of my books for free on Amazon. At the same time I loaded my Kindle (to check for boo-boos, etc) I also loaded her Kindle.

I had given up on her ever reading my stories months ago.

By the time we reached SDC, she had finished 65% of the story. And she told me she was sorry she hadn't read it before now. It was way better than she expected (high praise indeed from one's child!) She also mentioned that it didn't sound like me, though some of the phrases were definitely mine.

Sunday morning she woke up and finished reading the story . . . she also started reading FAERIE.


This is why I write.

Not to sell stories--though it would be nice to make money at this--but to get kids reading. My daughter reads when she has to read, but she'd rather play video games or go on the computer. This was the first time she willingly read a book . . . and it happened to be mine!

It makes all the frustrations of writing worthwhile. Forget the professionals. Forget having the validation from the publishing industry. Forget not making any money at it.

I just received something far more important from one of the toughest critics in my target audience--my daughter's praise.

Maybe I should sit down to write book 4.

Later, Peeps.


Happy Birthday to ME . . . and YOU!

Here's the link to my Amazon profile. For some reason, FOR WHOM THE BELL TROLLS doesn't show up. You will have to type in the title. sorry.
My birthday is August 29th, and I'll be turning the ripe old age of 51.
I told you I would be honest on this blog. And no, I don't have any problem blabbing about how old I am. Besides, I dye my hair and I certainly don't ACT old.
The only giveaway is my skin. Yep, I have old lady skin, saggy, baggy and thinning.
And wrinkles. Lots and lots of wrinkles around my eyes, most of the time successfully hidden with Ironman wrap around sunglasses. I don't do the make-up thing. It's not that I can't do it, I simply don't. I'm lazy that way. But I can clean up nicely if needed.

Anyhoo, when I decided to self-publish The Goblin's Apprentice stories, I just wanted to get these stories into the hands of kids who wanted/needed to escape the realities of their lives. If I made a buck on it, then BONUS!

Well, I'm not making money on these stories. Shoot, I think I sold only a handful of them each month--literally. When you tally the amount earned against the amount I paid on cover art, the result is still negative. Giving them away hasn't resulted in much bigger numbers.
I stink at publicity. The freebies I gave away haven't been shared with others. No one is really bothering to give me reviews on the books, good or bad. Overall, the response to The Goblin's Apprentice has been "meh".
So as my final hurrah, I am giving away ALL SIX OF THE BOOKS from August 28-30. 
Three days of freebies for six stories.
Because of Greenwich Mean Time. I mean, really?

Trying to calculate when books will be free and off free around my birthday just made my head hurt. So I decided to take three days to do it.

All of these books should be available on Amazon's various incarnations: US, UK, DE, FR, IT and ES. I will link these books to the US Amazon store, but if you live in one of these other countries you might need to dig around a little for them.

The sequence of the books is:
A MAZE OF MONSTER MIX-UPS, Halloween short story
SUGAR PLUM DISASTER, Christmas short story
LOST LEPRECHAUN LOOT, St. Patrick's day short story

And the events of LEPRECHAUN will lead into the beginning events of book 4, tentatively titled DRAGON DAYS OF SUMMER.

Enjoy my birthday, Peeps! Because I'll be at the kidlet's back-to-school night. Rah!



FREE Friday!

This week has been totally crazy!

I've been working uber hard to get TROLL edited, formatted and ready to publish by July 24.

In celebration of this event--because we both know how long it took me to get my rear-in-gear to get to this point!--

TO GNOME ME IS TO LOVE ME will be a free Amazon download Friday and Saturday, July 20-21.

 THE FAST AND THE FAERIEOUS will be a free Amazon download Sunday and Monday, July 22-23! 

I'm also featured on two blogs today:

Long and Short reviews has a post about Recycling--old manuscripts that is.

A Storybook World has an author interview, but as of this posting it isn't 'live' yet! I'll keep checking back.

On a whim, I filled out a job application to be a Weight Watcher leader, completed a survey, a phone interview, an in-person interview and was offered a job!

Feel free to share the FREEBIE links and share the love!



This is how it all started! FREE from March 17-19!
Spread the word and share the link!

To Gnome Me is to Love Me
Book one, The Goblin's Apprentice
Amazon Kindle
When Kyte Webber finds a very real garden gnome, her life will change forever. Gnomes aren't supposed to be real, are they? But Kyte's gnome is in danger of becoming the last ingredient in a witch's magical Mythical potion and she's the only one who can save him! With the full moon tonight, Kyte must save the Mythicals, destroy a witch, and get home in time for supper!


Amazon's KDP Select

Early in December 2011, Amazon rolled out their new program for authors--KDP Select. Enrolling into this program had a list of pros and cons, which each author needs to weigh before making a decision. If you are happy with your current sales and movement of your book, especially on the other online sites, then opting in to KDP Select might not be in your best interest.

My pros or cons might not be the same list as yours, but you do need to think things out depending on your sales and situation.

  • the author has to UNPUBLISH each book from the competition's sites, limiting sales to Amazon only
  •  your book will be part of their Amazon Prime program that allows for indefinite 'lending' to customers
  • increased visibility
  • ability to offer five (5) 'freebie' days within your three (3) month obligation
  • small monetary percentage of all books lent to readers (the #'s they gave were seriously laughable to me, since my books haven't been generating ANY numbers worth mentioning).
  • only one place to keep track of your work--trust me, it's time-consuming to hop all over the place promoting and checking your status
For me, it was a no-brainer, as I knew I would enroll one book in this program to see what happened to my sales. I had to do something to shake it up. I signed up and enrolled TO GNOME ME IS TO LOVE ME, book one in The Goblin's Apprentice series.

I check my Amazon stats about every day or two, and usually there is very little change, but for some reason on December 19th, I already had 63 downloads. I had totally forgotten about using my freebies pre-Christmas! GNOME went as high as #4 for Children's free Kindle downloads, with very little effort on my part. I posted a few FB notices and I had a friend retweet the freebie deal, and that's it.

Here are a few observations:
  •  By day two/three, the downloads had peaked with 1200 for North America and 300 from Amazon UK. I took the rest of the freebie days and used them after Christmas. There was a little movement, but not much. Don't offer your book for more than 3 days at a time.
  • Though I had 'given' GNOME away, Amazon still gave me a little bit of $$, okay, a lot of money compared to the previous $ I earned. Not enough to break even, but enough to give me hope.
  • My overall Amazon ranking went from #263,483 to #53,628 (1/16/12). After the freebies, my ranking sat around #6,000 for a couple of weeks.
I tend to download quite a few books to my Kindle and then spend 6 months reading before I look for books again, so I didn't expect to see a trickle down effect from the freebies for at least 4-6 months. I've already seen a little movement in my sales. Still not many, but in the first two weeks of January, I sold more books than I did in Oct. AND Nov.

 Will I enroll the rest of my books?

I really don't know. If I do, I'll wait until my three months obligation is up with GNOME before I pursue the option.

As I mentioned before, every author has to weigh the pros and cons before committing to this program. I'll keep you updated if something interesting happens.

Later, peeps!



Now is the time to take advantage of FREE downloads for your Christmas Kindles! Only two days this time, and time's a-flying! *tick-tock, tick-tock*
Good for only until MIDNIGHT PST DEC. 27th! Share the news with your friends and family, share the link, post the news on their Facebook walls! If you don't have a Kindle, then download the FREE Kindle App! Yes, this offer works for,,,, AND!

Merry Christmas, my friends! :-)