Showing posts with label free books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free books. Show all posts



The Dog Days of Summer are upon us.
The heat makes us lethargic, stuck inside the house to keep cool. You've already seen all the summer movies. You've been to the mall more times this last month than you did while shopping for Christmas presents.
And last but not least, the kids are driving you bonkers. School is just around the corner and it can't get here quick enough to save your sanity.
Which makes it time for some free books!
During the week of August 4-8, 2014, I am offering all my Goblin Apprentice books for FREE!
The books are for ages 7-15. Yes, I've had readers as young as seven and as old as fifteen read these stories. If your kids are on the younger end of the range, then you might want to start with the books on the bottom as they lean more toward the chapter book length and style.
The book covers will take you to my Amazon page, where you can individually download each book, or you can click the books on the right side of my blog.
Be sure to check that the Kindle book is free, and not just the Kindle unlimited notation.
Please feel free to spread the word, share the link on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ as I will be out of pocket this week.
May the stories keep the little monsters occupied until it's time to buy school supplies!
Later, Peeps!


Free Books

Today's selection of books brings my to book three, For Whom the Bell Trolls:

And A Maze of Monster Mix-Ups is still free. It is a good companion title to TROLL. . . be sure to read it first.
Happy reading!


Foodie Friday --

Sorry, no recipe today. Instead there are a couple of freebies available.

This book has tips and tricks to lose weight, while providing a few candy recipes. This book is a short version of my weight loss efforts.

Yes, it's in my typical no-nonsense words about the journey, but the candy recipes are worth the read!

Click on the book cover to download the book.

To Gnome Me Is To Love Me is still available for free. Today is the last day!

Click on the book coves and the link will take you to Amazon US.

I don't think the American link will click to the various incarnations of Amazon across the world. If you are in a country other than US, then click the title or my name, M. A. Golla, and put it in your Amazon account, as the freebie is matched in all available Amazon locations.

As always, I hope you enjoy reading my stories. If you feel compelled, please give the book a rating and your honest feedback about the story.

And if you really, really need a recipe, then feel free to pull down the Foodie Friday tab as I have linked all  the recipes that I've posted under that tab.

Yes, even last wee's Ardsheal House Shortbread (under cookies) and Creamy Pesto Lasagna (under entrees, chicken).

As always, take your time and nose around on my blog, feel free to drop me a line, or just enjoy what I have to offer.

Later, Peeps!



Too Late! Sorry!
In celebration of my birth month -- and my inability to write a blog this month -- I'm offering my e-books for free!
If you've wanted to read them, but didn't have the money, now is the chance to download them.
Or if you live in another country and want to practice reading English, now is your chance to download them.
Or if you have a friend who wants to read them, but his/her mom won't let them spend the money, now is your chance to spread the word for the free download.

FREE In chronological order:
To Gnome Me Is To Love Me -- August 5-7
The Fast and the FAERIEous -- August 8-10
A Maze of Monster Mix-Ups -- August 11-13
 For Whom the Bell Trolls-- August 14-16

Sugar Plum Disaster-- August 17-19 

Lost Leprechaun Loot  -- August 20-22
And if for some reason, you missed the free download time, I'm offering

ALL of my books for free on August 23-24!!

They are all here on my Amazon author page, M. A. Golla
Hints & Suggestions:
  • The linked books above are for the US Amazon store. If you want the Amazon store in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, India, Canada, or Brazil, then click these links and it will take you to my Amazon author page for each country.
  • Choose the free book and download to your Kindle or computer/phone with free Kindle app.
  • Verify the free book prior to downloading! Amazon runs on Greenwich Mean Time . . . and I haven't a clue as to what that entails for other parts of the world! 
  • Did you know that Amazon charges the author for every book returned? So please, make sure the book is free before you download it. I don't want to have to pay Amazon . . .
Enjoy my stories!

As always. feel free to post a review, good or not so good, on Amazon.


Later, Peeps!



FREE!--Wednesday and Thursday ONLY!

School is OUT!

Which means in about 2.31 days your kiddo(s) will be bored and driving you crazy.

Now is the perfect time to download free copies of books onto your Kindle.





Sorry, but I am unable to offer LOST LEPRECHAUN LOOT as a freebie at this time.

Spread the love and the links to anyone who is interested.

Thanks very much, Peeps!

Have a great summer!



Today, my writer friend and amazing cover artist, Laura Morrigan and I did two writing sprints. Basically we are in a private chat room and wrote for twenty minutes, and rest for ten--this was how I finished TROLL in nineteen days. During our break we either chat, do stuff around the house or refill our coffee, etc. I also try to envision the next 500 words of the story. When the time's up, we sprint again. I tried to write in 30 minute sprints, but I found myself getting side-tracked too easily.

Anyhoo, I'm writing GA #4 and I realized that I had forgotten many of the minor character's names. ACK!! So I simply put Mrs. XXXX as the newspaper lady and ZXXXX for my dragon-dog.

It doesn't have to be much:

Kyte Webber--main character
Bryn Webber--Kyte's mom
XXX--leprechaun in John Deere hat. . . . See? I can't even remember their names! Oh, the leprechauns would actually have two names, 1) their real one, 2) the leprechaun one . . . I think they start with GN---

I'm serious about this offer, but you have to do your part, please . . . pretty please.

If you don't want to read them, maybe you know of someone who does.

Email me if you're interested:



Dealing with book reviews, or lack of them

I must confess that I'm sorely remiss about posting reviews of my book because,

1) I don't google alert myself. I tried, but it was old information and boring, so why bother? I know there's a trick to it, but I'm not really THAT interested. I should be, but . . .

2) I don't stalk my reviewers--well, not anymore. Stupid restraining order . . .  Just kidding! Again, this is a time consuming process. Many reviewers won't review electronic books and/or self-published books. There aren't that many reviewers of children's books who still review. Many of their sites are defunct.

3) I don't look my books up on Amazon that often. I used look them up, but when there are days and days of no sales and no comments. Again, why bother? I don't need to depress myself--I need to write the next book! Oh, I'll check Kindle DTP every now and then, but won't check Barnes and Noble's PubIT or Smashwords. Why? Because it takes FOREVER to log in.

4) I've learned that even when promised a review, it doesn't happen 85% of the time for various reasons. Disappointing, but true. I offered a number of my stories on various kindle boards and had a few people jump on the chance to read a free book by an unknown author. One of these kind reviewers was JML. No, I didn't pay her/him. No, I don't know her/him.

My first Amazon review of FAERIE: . . . uhm, YAY!

5.0 out of 5 stars Fast and FAERIEous, May 20, 2011
By JML - See all my reviewsThis review is from: The Fast and the FAERIEous (The Goblin's Apprentice) (Kindle Edition)

The Fast and the FAERIEous is another spectacular book by M.A. Golla. Continuing the story from To Gnome Me is to Love Me, 11-year-old Kyte has to cope with the drama of 6th grade while learning about and interacting with faeries, water nymphs, goblins, and the rest of the Mythical beings. These books keep getting better.

I do have a prequel to #3 called, A MAZE OF MONSTER MIX-UPS, which is a Halloween inspired short story that I plan to publish by the end of September.

I plan to publish The Goblin's Apprentice, book three, FOR WHOM THE BELL TROLLS, by the end of October.

AND I have another short story, SUGAR PLUM DISASTER, a Christmas inspired short story I will publish by the end of November.

So here's the dealio (guess which movie I stole borrowed this from?) I still need book reviews. I still need people to click, LIKE on my Amazon pages. I still need people to scroll down to the tags and agree with my tag cloud or add more tags. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Even if you aren't interested in reading this type of story, maybe you know someone who would be.

I will give away my books for any and all of these requests, BUT I want proof that you posted a review before I give away a free copy of book two, or Leprechaun.

And if you 'LIKE' my Facebook author page, you'll be the first to know when the other stories are up and I'll be giving away freebies through there.

That's it for today! Inspiration has struck and I'm writing The Goblin's Apprentice, book four, IT TROLLS FOR THEE.

Later, Peeps!