This week has been totally crazy!
I've been working uber hard to get TROLL edited, formatted and ready to publish by July 24.
In celebration of this event--because we both know how long it took me to get my rear-in-gear to get to this point!--
TO GNOME ME IS TO LOVE ME will be a free Amazon download Friday and Saturday, July 20-21.
THE FAST AND THE FAERIEOUS will be a free Amazon download Sunday and Monday, July 22-23!
I'm also featured on two blogs today:
Long and Short reviews has a post about Recycling--old manuscripts that is.
A Storybook World has an author interview, but as of this posting it isn't 'live' yet! I'll keep checking back.
On a whim, I filled out a job application to be a Weight Watcher leader, completed a survey, a phone interview, an in-person interview and was offered a job!
Feel free to share the FREEBIE links and share the love!