My pros or cons might not be the same list as yours, but you do need to think things out depending on your sales and situation.
- the author has to UNPUBLISH each book from the competition's sites, limiting sales to Amazon only
- your book will be part of their Amazon Prime program that allows for indefinite 'lending' to customers
- increased visibility
- ability to offer five (5) 'freebie' days within your three (3) month obligation
- small monetary percentage of all books lent to readers (the #'s they gave were seriously laughable to me, since my books haven't been generating ANY numbers worth mentioning).
- only one place to keep track of your work--trust me, it's time-consuming to hop all over the place promoting and checking your status
I check my Amazon stats about every day or two, and usually there is very little change, but for some reason on December 19th, I already had 63 downloads. I had totally forgotten about using my freebies pre-Christmas! GNOME went as high as #4 for Children's free Kindle downloads, with very little effort on my part. I posted a few FB notices and I had a friend retweet the freebie deal, and that's it.
Here are a few observations:
- By day two/three, the downloads had peaked with 1200 for North America and 300 from Amazon UK. I took the rest of the freebie days and used them after Christmas. There was a little movement, but not much. Don't offer your book for more than 3 days at a time.
- Though I had 'given' GNOME away, Amazon still gave me a little bit of $$, okay, a lot of money compared to the previous $ I earned. Not enough to break even, but enough to give me hope.
- My overall Amazon ranking went from #263,483 to #53,628 (1/16/12). After the freebies, my ranking sat around #6,000 for a couple of weeks.
Will I enroll the rest of my books?
I really don't know. If I do, I'll wait until my three months obligation is up with GNOME before I pursue the option.
As I mentioned before, every author has to weigh the pros and cons before committing to this program. I'll keep you updated if something interesting happens.
Later, peeps!