Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts



In honor of Halloween, this little gem is free.

It's a chapter story (kid speak for 'short story' with chapter breaks).

Download the Kindle link, read the story, and give it a rating! Good or Bad. This little story hasn't had the recognition it deserves.

Read it to a younger child, or let a 7-12 year old child enjoy it at his/her own pace.

Please spread the word and share the link, A Maze of Monster Mix-Ups. This is the US link, but this story is free in all the countries that support Amazon. The picture is also linked.




Halloween Costume Roundup

Yesterday, I spent some time retrieving Halloween pics from the computer. We didn't really start the costume things until the kidlet was born in late 2000.

Some are bought. Some are made. Some were worn two years in a row. Some are simply kick-a$$. But since we don't have very much storage space, most of them have been destroyed. :-(


 Grandma made this little lambie costume when my daughter was 11 months.
These next two are courtesy of Sam's Club.

Disney's Tinkerbell gets some costume time in 2004 . . .and 2005. I love seeing kiddo's growth in these pictures.
 Yes, Tinkerbell had to get some new shoes for 2005.
 2006 is when things started getting interesting.
I LOVE this outfit. We had to destroy the clothes to get them off her, but this was so fun to make. I believe we went through 2 1/2 cans of spray glue. Hubs got up in the middle of the night to pound out a copper Ankh for the necklace that she's covering with her hand. The circlet has a spray painted snake he glued into copper tubing. The staff is copper with blue electrical tape. We opted not to make the flail since she needed to carry her pumpkin for candy.
She wanted to be a robot this year. It's hard to see, but above the three knobs it says, FEED ME. Hubs wanted to make a door that opened, but the poor kid could hardly walk in the dryer hose legs that we decided that it probably wasn't a good idea. Yeah, we went through lots of chrome spray paint that year! Cardboard box, dryer hose, pool bucket (chlorine was removed).
This year, hubs had his first work party. He always wanted one of those blow up costumes, so he's a bull rider.
work 2008
This year the kidlet was the haunted pumpkin head scarecrow. Sorry, I couldn't find a better picture because she also had gloves with straw poking out and her shoes were straw covered. Hubs had rigged a strobe light in the pumpkin head to shine up. It was a freaky effect.
Yeah . . . let's ignore me in this picture. Thank you very much!
In 2009, the kiddo decided to be lame. She wanted to be a black cat. We bought some ears and made a tail. She wore black.
The end.
We don't have any picture of her this year.
The hubby is something quite different than a cat this year. This was the year, he went all out with his first foam project.
Todd 2009
He was second place at work--no one thought he made this himself.
Yes, my friends, he made Gumby from scratch. That was a LOT of green fleece and foam! He's a big guy to start with, but when you add the Gumby head, well, he was even bigger! He used black pantyhose for the eyes so he could see out. He also rigged the fan from the bull riding costume to help keep him cool.
In 2010, daughter decided that no one notices black cats, but they do notice and take pictures of robots and mummies. We talked her into being the Headless Bride this year. We found the homemade bridal gown on eBay, and took a kids life vest and rigged it up with some support poles for her body, slipped a t-shirt over the poles and used spray foam to make the torso of the bride. The arms were stuffed with cotton since we didn't want the kidlet to get hurt if she tripped. We used three or four different colors of red pain to spatter the body. The kiddo's head pokes through the bride's belly and the life vest goes around her torso to hold the top of the bride up. I wanted to do a more ghoulish makeup, but this is all she allowed me to do this year.
Not to be outdone, Hubby went as the brainless doctor. Working on two heavy duty costumes just isn't practical when we wait so long to start them.
***Notice the blood on the counters?? Yeah, he nuked the blood to make it flow better . . . and it exploded all over my kitchen. I'm still finding gel blood spatters in the weirdest places. I spent over an hour trying to get rid of all that blood!
The brain is a mold, and came with a recipe for Jello made with skim milk to give the right look. The stitches are licorice strings.
Todd 2010
He won the work contest this year.
In 2011, the kidlet wanted to be a 'cute' candy corn. . . like the one in the picture I posted yesterday, NOT like this one! Hubs went nutso with the foam and fleece and made the kidlet a huge candy corn. Not to be outdone this year, he made himself an Angry Bird costume. The Angry Bird isn't foam, believe it or not, but a large beach ball that he made with paper mache. Yes, he sewed the body of the bird and fit it over the ball. He has a really good eye for the details and sewed his own hat like the bird's top feathers.


side view
Yes, he took this to work and won their contest.
In 2012, the kidlet decided  she wanted a 'real' costume from the costume store. This is what we came up with.
Hubs didn't make a costume this last year because they were in the process of moving their office and he was in charge of moving EVERYTHING from one location to the second location, plus monitoring the build out. The poor guy was exhausted from the year's worth of work that he didn't have any creativity left.
He made up for it this year with
Todd 2013
Yes, he won this year's work contest. I still think he needs to make the hat to go with the rest of the outfit.
And the kidlet wore last year's costume. She's twelve, almost thirteen, and I hope she'll still dress for Halloween even if it is just to give out candy at the door!
And that's our costume round up for this year. As I said in the intro, some are good, some are bought, and some are totally cray-cray!
BTW: I want to be a mummy next year!
Oops! I almost forgot the treats! Easy to make. Just be sure to have plenty of icing!
Later, Peeps! 


Weighty Wednesday -- Halloween Candy Madness

Halloween is a tough time of year . . . especially for those of us who are losing weight, or simply trying to maintain.

It's easy to break into candy that you normally would never buy to make sure "it tastes okay to give out to the Trick-or-Treaters".

It's also very easy to steal from one's child. . . yeah, I've been known to do that.

Whereas when I was growing up, I learned to keep track of every single piece of candy because I have older brothers and sisters.
Whereas my daughter doesn't really care.

Oh, she has her favorites and keeps track of them, but I can swipe a Skittles or a chocolate bar and she wouldn't even know it.

Sour patch kids and frozen Reeses, well, don't even think about eating them!

She usually nibbles on her candy for a few days and then I put the remainder of it in a bag and put it on the shelf to be forgotten. We usually throw out the rest of the candy around Christmas . . . when a new haul of candy becomes available.

This (exhibit A on the right), however, is the bane of my Halloween.

Once a package is opened, expect it to be demolished within a day, two at the most. The easy response would be, "just don't buy it". Well, yeah, in a perfect world that would be a good response.

But, I'm not perfect.

The only good thing about this is that I manage to get sugar headaches from the excessive sweet, and I eat so much of it in a narrow window of time that I want to throw up, which makes it easier for me to resist other candy.

Well, that's my theory anyway.

Enjoy Halloween. Don't go crazy eating too much sugar. And if you need to make some cupcakes for an office Halloween party, here are a few decorating suggestions:

These are a few of the cupcakes I've made in the past.

Happy Halloween!

Oh, when your daughter wants to be a 'cute candy corn'. She wants to look like this:

Not this:
Just sayin'


Autumnal Changes

After a hideously hot summer times two, we have finally managed to cool down a little.

Now we've actually set a record for the earliest freezing temperature, October 6. The previous record was Oct. 20. Our normal freeze usually happens after Halloween.

I don't know how this bodes for the winter, but if it was anything like last winter, it'll be a non-event. The previous winter was a whole 'nuther experience though, with schools shutting down because the cold and windchill, along with other occurrences of over a foot of snow dumping on us and shutting down most businesses for days and schools for a week. Normally, I wouldn't be pissy about the kids missing school, but they had just returned the previous week after two weeks off for Christmas! Aaarrrrgggghhhh!

Anyway, back to this year. Yesterday I tweeted about a few things. You are more than welcome to follow me on Twitter, I'm magolla1. I usually post things about my walks or stuff like that.

  • Two chill nights have started the autumnal process. Bright yellows, reds, purples and oranges are dotting the trees along my path.
  • A weak, watery sun tries to shine through a shroud of grey clouds . . . it fails.
  • Eight Scissortail Flycatchers sitting on a barbed wire fence chittering, chattering, and chortling as I walk past.
  • Late walkies, but warmer than this AM. 59 min.
    And last, but certainly not least
  • Cleaning house. Then decided to get Halloween stuff out. Throwing lots away. Keeping mummy and headless bride just for the memories!
The trees are changing, which is really a surprise with the horrible drought we had this summer and last summer. In September, we got a lot of rain, not enough to take us out of the 'drought' terminology, but enough to make the trees think it was spring.
Yes, the silly Bradford Pears started blooming again. I hate the smell of those 'death' trees!
The cliff swallows are long gone, but the scissortails and bluebirds are back in force! They are so much fun to watch and listen to on my walks.
The sky is heavier with the sun trying to break through, but mostly failing. I don't think I have SADD, but I do like my sunshine!
This morning is warmer than expected and a fog has settled in. I'll wait until drivers can see me before I walk. There's a small section of my walk that I have to walk on the shoulder of a busy road, not my favorite place, but it's the only way to get to my path.
We pulled out a ton of Halloween stuff from our crawl space this year. It's time to thin it out and replace the old cardboard boxes with clear plastic ones, like we use for the Christmas stuff. We're mainly throwing away stuff that has seen better days or I stopped putting out. Every now and again it's time to purge, plus it's was the day before trash day.
Well, time to wake the rest of the family up for their long days of work and school.
Later, Peeps!


Halloween Debriefing

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!

My family and I did. I watched the door (and read while waiting for kiddos), while the others went trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.
My kidlet is the huge piece of candy corn. Her cousin is the cute witch next to her. They are only five months apart, but my kidlet seems to have gotten her daddy's tall genes.

And before you even bother asking . . . yes, I ate too much Halloween candy yesterday! But the good news is we gave out handfuls of the stuff. Too bad it was a light turnout. Hubster took the rest of the candy (easily 8 lbs were left) to work, so I won't have that tempting me!

And speaking of the hubster, he won the costume contest at work.
Sorry, I should have cropped it a little before posting.
If you don't know what he is, then you need to get with the times! And yes, he did make a black tail and the little head feathers are on the cap.
Okay, okay, I'll tell you. He's the red bird from the Angry Birds app. Pretty good, huh? He came up with the idea, found a 3-foot beach ball, paper mached it, bought and sewed the fleece, etc. He did it all! What a talented man!
--and yes, he did design, cut out, reinforced, and made the candy corn for our kidlet.
It would be hard to beat last year's costume, so we went with cute.
Halloween 2010
I'm weighing in later this AM, so I'll report the bad news tomorrow.
Later, Peeps!


Eek!--I gained weight!

But that isn't really too surprising, now is it??

It's 'unofficial' weight, since I simply weighed myself at home, but my scale at home is pretty darn close to the official scale. I won't be able to weigh-in today since the hubster needs my car to transport his costume to work. No, I can't what it is yet. And no, I can't post pictures yet.

But I will tomorrow.

Anyhoo, back on topic--

Baking 6 types of cookies (final names: Lemony Goblin Brains, Werewolf Poop, Spicy Witch Cackles, Choco-Spider Guts, Minty Fairy Farts, and Cinnamon Toadstools), making and eating cinnamon rolls, and experimenting with a pumpkin custard cheesecake, is it any wonder that I increased the poundage? Only by 2 pounds, but that's enough to kick my booty into gear!

If you didn't think I would gain weight then you were in fairyland along with Timmy Turner and the Fairy Oddparents.

So, what to do?

1) walk . . . and walk some more
2) drink lots and lots of water
3) fruit and veggies are my friends
4) document EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth

Basically, I need to revert back to the first few weeks at WW.

Boy, it'll be hard considering I have over TWENTY (yes, 20) pounds of candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters!

Luckily the rest of the nosh will go to work with the hubster, just like all the cookies did today!

Happy Halloween!

Later, Peeps!


FOODIE FRIDAY-- Lemon Krackles (cookies)

I have been busy baking over the last three days. I made a pumpkin cheesecake that I cooked as a custard and spooned in little plastic shot glasses over a gingersnap crust, and then placed a layer of sweetened sour cream on top. It still had too much of a bite, but when I nuked it in the microwave, my plastic cups started to collapse. I'll work on it in a week or so. I know enough about what I want to do to make it work.

Thursday, I wanted to make lemon cookies (new recipe) that I could glaze and draw a witch on a broom--it didn't work out. The cookies were lemon crackle cookies. Hmm. The cookies are for a Halloween party Friday night.

What to do?

I nixed the original idea, for now.

And decided to call the lemon cookies, Goblin Brains. Goblins aren't known for their intelligence and they are cowards, which explains the yellow brain . . . right? So then my thoughts morphed to Brownie Snot, Faerie Poop, Elf Guts and Banshee Heart. On Thursday, I made all the dough and started baking. Goblin (lemon), Faerie (pink and purple mint) and Brownie (chocolate, of course!) cookies are done. Today, I'll make Elf (snickerdoodle cinnamon) and Banshee (ginger spice).

Here's the recipe for Goblin Brains, okay, you can just call them Lemon Krackles.
Lemon Krackles

1 pkg. lemon cake mix
2 cups Cool Whip
1 large egg, beaten
½ cup powdered sugar, to roll cookie dough

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Combine dry cake mix, Cool Whip, and beaten egg in large bowl. Stir until it’s well mixed. It will be very sticky.
Drop by teaspoonful’s (I use a small cookie scoop) into bowl of powdered sugar and roll to coat the cookie dough. Place the coated cookie drops on greased cookie sheet, 12 cookies per sheet.
Bake the cookies at 350 degrees F., for 10 minutes. Let them cool on the cookie sheets for 2 minutes, before moving to a wire rack to finish cooling completely.

Yield: 4-5 dozen. Store in airtight container.

Enjoy your Goblin Brains . . . er, Lemon Krackles!
Later, Peeps!


A Maze of Monster Mix-Ups is LIVE!

For only $0.99 you can enjoy the first Halloween story of the season!
Available on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook and, of course, Smashwords!
Tell your friends, family, enemies and frenemies!
Oh, fizznuts, not that many people read my blog. :-(
Anyhoo, it's now published and ready for reading consumption!
Oh, and for those of you who visit my blog from other countries, all my stories are available on Amazon UK and Amazon DE.
Later, peeps!