
Halloween Debriefing

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!

My family and I did. I watched the door (and read while waiting for kiddos), while the others went trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.
My kidlet is the huge piece of candy corn. Her cousin is the cute witch next to her. They are only five months apart, but my kidlet seems to have gotten her daddy's tall genes.

And before you even bother asking . . . yes, I ate too much Halloween candy yesterday! But the good news is we gave out handfuls of the stuff. Too bad it was a light turnout. Hubster took the rest of the candy (easily 8 lbs were left) to work, so I won't have that tempting me!

And speaking of the hubster, he won the costume contest at work.
Sorry, I should have cropped it a little before posting.
If you don't know what he is, then you need to get with the times! And yes, he did make a black tail and the little head feathers are on the cap.
Okay, okay, I'll tell you. He's the red bird from the Angry Birds app. Pretty good, huh? He came up with the idea, found a 3-foot beach ball, paper mached it, bought and sewed the fleece, etc. He did it all! What a talented man!
--and yes, he did design, cut out, reinforced, and made the candy corn for our kidlet.
It would be hard to beat last year's costume, so we went with cute.
Halloween 2010
I'm weighing in later this AM, so I'll report the bad news tomorrow.
Later, Peeps!


  1. You guys are a hoot! I can't imagine anyone beating Kidlet from last year -- the headless bride is the best!

    Though she looks awfully delish as candy corn.

  2. I'll let her know, Marilyn. She wanted to look like her Club Penguin character (online game by Disney), so that's what she was! I think next year, we should be a family of zombies!


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