Showing posts with label candy season. Show all posts
Showing posts with label candy season. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday -- Holidaze

If you live in America, then you'll know that the season for holidays has taken off with Halloween. We'll have Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, Marti Gras and Easter before it's all over this winter season, and that's not even counting the family get-togethers and parties. And an added one of my daughter's birthday the day before Thanksgiving!

But if you're like me, you will know that the holidays, and subsequent eating challenges, started in September when Halloween candy blorped up in it's own little section of various stores. And candy, my personal nemesis, will continue to taunt me throughout the holiday . . . candy . . . season.

Yesterday, I did a little grocery shopping, and yes, I did manage to find my way into the 50% off Halloween aisle. Other than a couple of cute Halloween earring stocking stuffers, I did cave and bought a bag of Halloween mix. You know, the kind that has candy corn, chocolate candy corn and pumpkins in it.

I've hidden it from the rest of the family.

And yes, I've opened it and and almost demolished the entire bag.

Hey, though I'm at my goal weight, I still face the same challenges you do!

I'll just put a check mark in the "not a good healthy eating day" column and move on with my life.

The interesting part of my candy habits is that I've started making filled chocolates. This candy is for those who won Brenda Novak's For The Cure auction last May. I sent notes to all winners and postponed making the candy until the weather became cooler. I didn't want them to end up with a puddle of chocolate in the mail. Anyhoo, I don't eat my candy. Oh, I'll sample my flavors, or cut one open to see how it set up, but I don't crave it. I think it's because I'm exposed to it for hours on end.

Back on track, my point is holidays happen. Parties happen. Cook-outs and BBQ's happen. We simply have to find the way to deal with life and everything it throws at us. And eating a second or third serving of turkey, dressing and mashed potatoes isn't it.

Though the holiday is only one day, let's be real, it actually lasts much, much longer. We spend time thinking about the meal, shopping for the food, making the food, eating the meal and then have to deal with the leftovers.

There are a few tricks in my bag to survive the season. Here are some of mine--they should be looking very familiar by now:
  • Plan, plan, plan. Take the time and jot down on a calendar your party schedule, family get-togethers, and work shindigs. The more you know, the better you can plan your meals.
  • Drink lots of water. Seriously. So many times we tend to get dehydrated from the cooler weather outside and the heat inside. Plus the more you fill up on water, the less you want to snack on the nummies Bobby Sue brought. If you start trolling for food at work, take a detour to rehydrate first. And stay away or limit your alcoholic beverages. When one imbibes you tend to lose your inhibitions about eating . . . along with other inhibitions, but this is a G-rated blog so I won't get into that.
  • Think Power foods. Lean meats. Whole grains. Fruits and veggies. Fill up on those items and you'll be less likely to grab the refined sugar/flour treats. It doesn't mean you can't eat them, but do you really want to eat them?
  • Portion control. Take the time at home and re-familiarize yourself with correct portions sizes. How much a 1/2 cup of something really looks like, or how big a 3 oz. portion of turkey really is. Yes, you can have a piece of pecan pie, but do you really want to eat all of it, or just a taste or two? I usually nibble off my hubby's dessert plate or take a very thin sliver of something just to experience the taste.
Notice how I always go back to the basics of Weight Watchers when I'm faced with challenges?

It's because it works. If I have a bad meal or day, I know I can go right back to basics to get my body back on track. I have the knowledge to be successful during this stressful season . . . and so do you if you've been an avid reader of my blog for any length of time.

Later, Peeps!


Weighty Wednesday -- End of Candy Season

This last Sunday, Easter Sunday, proclaimed the end of candy season, October-Easter.

Yes, my friends, candy has a season, at least it does in my mind. Candy season starts sometime in mid-October when I buy the first HUGE bags of candy from Sam's Club. And it isn't just one bag, it's about 5 or 6. When we give candy out at Halloween, we aren't stingy. Big handfuls of candy go into each kiddo's bag . . . and sometimes the parents who are toting around the cutie-patootie 6-month old baby.

*Yeah, we know who is REALLY eating that candy!*

And continues through November (I'm usually the dessert maker for Thanksgiving) and into Christmas candy making. I usually spend two weeks making Christmas candy for gifts. I'll make my fillings over a three day period, then I'll make the filled chocolates over five days and to break that up, I'll hand dip turtles and sea salt caramels, make English toffee, four types of fudge, and peanut brittle.

Oh, what the heck--here's the entire list from 2011:

Molded chocolates
Made 48 pieces each flavor
16 pcs = @ ½ lb box
20-24 pcs = @16 oz
Peppermint Schnapps -- 1 lb --became grainy made X2
Aftershock Cinnamon -- 1.5 lbs
Chambord -- 2 lbs
Strawberry Margarita -- 2 lbs
Amaretto -- 1.5 lbs
Butter Shots (butterscotch) -- 1.6 lbs
Rum Raisin -- 1.1 lbs
Limoncello -- 2 lbs
Key Lime (gin) -- 2 lbs
Grand Marnier (wht choc) --1.5 lbs --grainy; pretty, but not as good
Grand Marnier (dk. choc) -- 1.75 lbs --good
Whiskey Toffee -- 1.5 lbs
Frangelico -- 1.75 lbs
Dipped Chocolates
Reindeer Poop -- 3 lbs -- Peanut Butter center -- sm. scoop, dip bottom 1st then dip again
Polar Bear Poop -- 2 lbs -- Oreo center --same as above. Dipped in wht choc.
Sea Salt Caramels -- 2.5 lbs -- cut into cubes, dip @ 8 and then sprinkle w/salt on top
English Toffee -- 2.5 lbs
Turtles --2.75 lbs -- @ 75 -- one full cookie sheet
Peanut butter fudge -- 3.4 lbs
Pumpkin fudge -- 2.75 lbs
Chocolate Fudge -- 2 lbs
Peppermint Fudge -- 4 lbs

Peanut Brittle -- 3 lbs. weighed into 1 oz. baggies and sealed.

The reason the molded candies weight varied was due to the shape and size of the mold used.

Anyhoo, then there was Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Easter to round out candy season.

I don't know about you, but I'm glad candy season is over.

In the Weight Watcher meetings, they kept stressing that these holidays are only one day. True, but that type of mental manipulation doesn't work for me during candy season. If it works for you, then more power to you! I'm not so good at thinking about this season as individual holi-DAYS.

Though the season might be over, I still have a full bunny basket of Easter candy to eat.

Now--leave me alone while I bite off the bunny ears of my Dove rabbit, or savor the sweet flavor of my Reese's peanut butter egg, or eat the M&M's and jelly beans, or the Milky Way bunny, or Snicker's egg . . . 

Later, Peeps!  . . . uh, FYI, I DO NOT eat Peeps--that would just be cannibalistic now, wouldn't it?? 


Eek!--I gained weight!

But that isn't really too surprising, now is it??

It's 'unofficial' weight, since I simply weighed myself at home, but my scale at home is pretty darn close to the official scale. I won't be able to weigh-in today since the hubster needs my car to transport his costume to work. No, I can't what it is yet. And no, I can't post pictures yet.

But I will tomorrow.

Anyhoo, back on topic--

Baking 6 types of cookies (final names: Lemony Goblin Brains, Werewolf Poop, Spicy Witch Cackles, Choco-Spider Guts, Minty Fairy Farts, and Cinnamon Toadstools), making and eating cinnamon rolls, and experimenting with a pumpkin custard cheesecake, is it any wonder that I increased the poundage? Only by 2 pounds, but that's enough to kick my booty into gear!

If you didn't think I would gain weight then you were in fairyland along with Timmy Turner and the Fairy Oddparents.

So, what to do?

1) walk . . . and walk some more
2) drink lots and lots of water
3) fruit and veggies are my friends
4) document EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth

Basically, I need to revert back to the first few weeks at WW.

Boy, it'll be hard considering I have over TWENTY (yes, 20) pounds of candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters!

Luckily the rest of the nosh will go to work with the hubster, just like all the cookies did today!

Happy Halloween!

Later, Peeps!


Weighty Wednesday--Autumn is in the Air!

I weighed at my Weight Watcher's meeting on Monday. Since I started Weight Watchers and walking on June 19th, I've lost 26.8 pounds. THAT DESERVES A 'WOOHOO'! I still have a lot to lose, but I'm on the downhill slide now, which makes me very happy.

Anyway this time of the year makes me think of many things, both good and bad in relation to weight loss. Here's my list:

Brisk mornings--LOVE THEM! Seriously, what's not to love? The mornings are cool and the temperature is in the 60's. I found that when I'm walking, I tend to enjoy it more and slow down, which in turn forces me to kick it up a notch, since I'm walking for exercise and not just enjoyment. Enjoyment is a side effect of the walk. As long as I get sweaty by the end of the walk, then I've done enough.

We had quite a bit of rain over the weekend, so the ragweed pollen count was down a little, which helps. I also ran across some raccoon tracks as the little dude stepped in some mud before he tracked his way up a cement embankment. Too cute!

Horseback riding--I've always said that I love riding when it's cold, but sunny. Which makes sunny anytime in the autumn totally awesome! This old body is seriously out of riding shape, so one ride involving 20+ minutes of posting took me out of commission for 5 days--yes, FIVE. My poor little pudgy thighs are so out of shape! But I'll try to ride 1 or 2 times a week as my schedule allows. It will get easier the quicker I get into riding shape. I love the smell of horses. Either you love it or you hate it, there is no inbetween!

Comfort food--As the season starts to get cooler around here, we stop grilling outside. This scares me, since I tend to put on weight in winter--like so many others. I'm starting to think about all the comfort foods that I like to eat: virtually any pasta dish, chilies, stews, meatloaf, etc. So I need to rethink how those goodies are cooked and lean them up.
If I can't lean them up, then it's all about portion control and the veg on the side. I love the variety of veg in the summer months and I'm not that familiar with winter veg. But a leaner me will mean that I need to rework my normal recipes into something else. And if y'all really know me, you know that I love a challenge!

Halloween candy--This is the beginning of CANDY SEASON. 6-7 months of candy and desserts. Halloween candy leads into Thanksgiving dessert making, that evolves into Christmas candy making season into Christmas stocking candy, to Valentine's day candy to the Easter eggstravaganza! Whew! I am a sugar fiend! And I need to find some way to take control of my uncontrollable nibbling.
I think I found a solution . . . for now. I bought a bag of Halloween candy (Autumn mixture) and weighed one serving size (41 grams), placed it in a small baggie, calculated the WW points value (4) and FROZE the baggies. If I have a craving, I can dig into the freezer bag of nummies and slowly nibble on it. I'll take the sugar hit along with the points hit. No, there is no redeeming quality about candy, but sometimes you just have to have something sugarlicious.

On a side note: My WW leader had me show my candy baggie to the group. And most of them were appalled. I don't know whether it was from the fact that I bought a bag of candy and weighed out 41 grams 14 times, or if it was because they were 4 points per baggy.
One older lady even wagged her finger at me and told me not to each sugar. Yes, I'm 50 and this older lady 60-70ish still tried to treat me like a kid. *sigh* I calmly pointed out that WW was all about eating healthy while managing real life issues/cravings. Having the baggy of candy is one way I would manage it. I'll take a 4 point hit over trolling for food, which can lead to serious overeating (which I did one afternoon last week to the tune of 19 points!) Cutting out candy isn't the way to fix the problem. Admitting you need a sugar hit periodically and being ready with an alternative is.

I've lost almost 27 lbs so far--I think my way is working for ME.


Again, weight loss comes down to knowing what your triggers are, and learning to adapt and readjust your way of thinking. What works for me might not work for you, but I'll share what works, because I might be able to help someone out there.

Later, Peeps!