Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday-- My Journey, NOT Yours

Oops--I didn't post on the correct day, but then again, I didn't really have much to say two days ago . . . but now I do!

First, though I didn't have an official weigh-in this week (due to hubs taking my car on the icy roads), I did weigh-in at home, which I do anyway especially on weigh-in day.

I had a loss of 0.7 pounds.

Not a stellar number, considering I have been clocking in around two pounds a week. But I'm not surprised due to two large meals over the weekend--P.F. Changs on Friday and Fleming's Steakhouse on Valentine's Day.

Still a loss, which is the most important thing. Right?

Confession time: With the yucky weather on Tuesday, I made a pan of shortbread . . . and ate virtually half the pan. This is probably the worst type of cookie one could indulge in since all it contains is flour, sugar and butter.

And then I made pizza for dinner.

AND opened a bottle of wine.

It wasn't a stellar day for me. And no, I didn't calculate how many points I ate while in the process.

So what did I do?

I counted ALL OF MY 49 WEEKLY POINTS the next day.

Yeah, I wasted all my weekly points on one poorly conceived day. It happens. I'm focusing the rest of my week on my allowable Simply Filling technique.

And I weighed myself today, unofficial of course, but to illustrate the point I'm about to make. Even with a horrible Tuesday, by today (Friday) I still managed to lose 0.7 pounds!

Meanwhile, my hubby has been extraordinarily successful on the WW tracking points technique--22 pounds, so far--but he's inserting himself into my process by accusing me of 'cheating' on my technique.

Yes, I had a bad day. Everyone does.

But did I 'cheat'?

No, because I counted the points. . . and I really, really hate that term. It's right up there with 'life style' change, thanks a lot, Dr. Phil.

But even if I hadn't counted the points, I still have an ace up my sleeve--I'm still losing weight!

His teasing/harassing/accusing me of cheating could have had an adverse effect depending on my mindset, but all it did was make me mad enough to prove I wasn't cheating and though I stumbled, I'm still losing weight.

Ultimately though I stumbled, I got right back into the technique and am working it to my advantage.

Don't let anyone cause you to stumble or distract you on YOUR JOURNEY.

This happened to me over a year ago, when someone's ill-timed comment (NOT my hubby--who really is very supportive!) distracted me from my focus. Over a year later, I'm finally coming to terms with my insecurities.

Your challenges aren't anyone else's challenges. Don't let your journey be about them, or allow them to influence your journey.

You are on this weight-loss journey for you, don't forget that.

Later, Peeps!


Weighty Wednesday -- Good and Bad Choices

As the title suggests, I made good and bad choices last week. Post weigh-in the week started off AWESOME! I was doing WW Simply Filling--the most basic of food choices. I had plenty of water, protein and fruits and veggies (no sugar or flour), and by Friday morning, I had managed to drop four pounds.


And then Friday night happened (Whataburger Jr. A-1 Thick and Hardy burger and fries).

And then Saturday night after the swim meet (Chuy's Tacos al Carbon)

And then Sunday at the swim meet a healthy food-fest, but still a food fest, pizza from Savastano's for dinner, and then to top it off, Pretzel Caramel Crunch from Andy's. *YUM*

And with Monday being a holiday and my kidlet was home from school that meant quesadilla for lunch, homemade cookies for afternoon snack.

Ugh, just looking at this list is making me gain weight!

This list looks horrible. I should have gained pounds, right?

Well, I might not have eaten the best, but I was able to control my portion size, and I only ate until I wasn't hungry.

This is one of the big lessons you have to learn when you are losing weight: 

Eat only until you are not hungry any longer. When you eat until you're full, you've already overeaten.

Oh, and I managed to lose 1.2 pounds

It might not seem like much, but it's a start. 

So let's break this down:

Friday night was a lack of communication between me and my hubs. I had taken our daughter to warm-up prior to the swim meet and went home to wait for him to get home from work. By then I was already starving (mistake #1--never NOT eat. You have less control over your food when you do get something to eat). He assumed we would just go to the meet, while I assumed we would have a quick bite someplace nearby before we went to the meet. By the time he got home, I was in complete meltdown mode and eating a salad at just wasn't going to cut it, so we went to Whataburger across from a really good place to get a salad, Schlotzsky's. 

But instead of getting a large A-1 Thick and Hearty burger and demolishing it. I got as JUNIOR sized one. Yes, my friends you can order a specialty burger in Junior sizes, which is slightly more than half of a regular sized one. If I hadn't starved to this point, I probably could have left a few bites on my plate, but I was too far gone. :-(

Okay, I did eat 3/4 of the fries, but such is life. 

Saturday was good. I walked. I ate a nice late breakfast. I didn't take any snacks to the afternoon swim meet because the hubs and I decided to treat the kiddo to Chuy's (Mexican food) after the swim meet for an early dinner. I was hungry, but I took a couple tortilla chips, broke them into pieces and shoveled the salsa fresco into my face. I also didn't order the margarita that I wanted, instead I stuck with water. I also didn't eat the creamy jalapeno dip,which is sooo good! When got my tacos, I ate only one with the flour tortilla, the other one I husked, leaving the tortilla behind. It was a decent food day.

Sunday was another beast entirely. The swim meet started at 10 AM and lasted through lunch. I brought healthy snacks (fruit, cheese, granola bars, water), but I was constantly eating stuff. I really didn't like doing it, but it was the only way to fight the misery of the bleachers! When we got home, we cleaned the house and I did laundry and some yard work, while hubby washed and dried the dog. Pizza was an easy choice. How do you make it healthier without it tasting like cardboard? Get a thin crust. I would say get veggies instead of processed meats, but I can't deny my pepperoni and sausage cravings!

And there' no excuse for the frozen custard. . . but it was really, really good. 

Monday was cave day. Kidlet and I watched movies while I painted her nails. Quesadillas and cookies seemed like a good choice . . . 

And, of course, weigh in was Tuesday, which was why I was surprised that I actually lost any weight. 

I'm focused and forging forward this week. I'll be focused until the weekend, but I hope to make good choices if we happen to go out to eat. 

I'll let you know next week. 

Remember, we all have food challenges to face. Yes, we might make a poor choice here or there, but the key is to make it only once, not the entire day. Drink lots of water, eat lots of wonderful fruits and veggies, and take a walk. It's the little things that you do right that add up in the big picture of things. 

Later, Peeps!


Weighty Wednesday -- Holidaze

If you live in America, then you'll know that the season for holidays has taken off with Halloween. We'll have Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, Marti Gras and Easter before it's all over this winter season, and that's not even counting the family get-togethers and parties. And an added one of my daughter's birthday the day before Thanksgiving!

But if you're like me, you will know that the holidays, and subsequent eating challenges, started in September when Halloween candy blorped up in it's own little section of various stores. And candy, my personal nemesis, will continue to taunt me throughout the holiday . . . candy . . . season.

Yesterday, I did a little grocery shopping, and yes, I did manage to find my way into the 50% off Halloween aisle. Other than a couple of cute Halloween earring stocking stuffers, I did cave and bought a bag of Halloween mix. You know, the kind that has candy corn, chocolate candy corn and pumpkins in it.

I've hidden it from the rest of the family.

And yes, I've opened it and and almost demolished the entire bag.

Hey, though I'm at my goal weight, I still face the same challenges you do!

I'll just put a check mark in the "not a good healthy eating day" column and move on with my life.

The interesting part of my candy habits is that I've started making filled chocolates. This candy is for those who won Brenda Novak's For The Cure auction last May. I sent notes to all winners and postponed making the candy until the weather became cooler. I didn't want them to end up with a puddle of chocolate in the mail. Anyhoo, I don't eat my candy. Oh, I'll sample my flavors, or cut one open to see how it set up, but I don't crave it. I think it's because I'm exposed to it for hours on end.

Back on track, my point is holidays happen. Parties happen. Cook-outs and BBQ's happen. We simply have to find the way to deal with life and everything it throws at us. And eating a second or third serving of turkey, dressing and mashed potatoes isn't it.

Though the holiday is only one day, let's be real, it actually lasts much, much longer. We spend time thinking about the meal, shopping for the food, making the food, eating the meal and then have to deal with the leftovers.

There are a few tricks in my bag to survive the season. Here are some of mine--they should be looking very familiar by now:
  • Plan, plan, plan. Take the time and jot down on a calendar your party schedule, family get-togethers, and work shindigs. The more you know, the better you can plan your meals.
  • Drink lots of water. Seriously. So many times we tend to get dehydrated from the cooler weather outside and the heat inside. Plus the more you fill up on water, the less you want to snack on the nummies Bobby Sue brought. If you start trolling for food at work, take a detour to rehydrate first. And stay away or limit your alcoholic beverages. When one imbibes you tend to lose your inhibitions about eating . . . along with other inhibitions, but this is a G-rated blog so I won't get into that.
  • Think Power foods. Lean meats. Whole grains. Fruits and veggies. Fill up on those items and you'll be less likely to grab the refined sugar/flour treats. It doesn't mean you can't eat them, but do you really want to eat them?
  • Portion control. Take the time at home and re-familiarize yourself with correct portions sizes. How much a 1/2 cup of something really looks like, or how big a 3 oz. portion of turkey really is. Yes, you can have a piece of pecan pie, but do you really want to eat all of it, or just a taste or two? I usually nibble off my hubby's dessert plate or take a very thin sliver of something just to experience the taste.
Notice how I always go back to the basics of Weight Watchers when I'm faced with challenges?

It's because it works. If I have a bad meal or day, I know I can go right back to basics to get my body back on track. I have the knowledge to be successful during this stressful season . . . and so do you if you've been an avid reader of my blog for any length of time.

Later, Peeps!


Weighty Wednesday--update!

As I mentioned last week, I gained weight--1.6 lbs to be exact.

Just remember:

Life happens.
Weight gain happens.
Challenges happen.

Don't beat yourself up if you gain one week. You might have done everything right and still gained weight. There are so many other factors that could have contributed to it. Just keep eating right and walking or exercising and it will show up as a negative the next time around.

It's how you deal with it that really matters.

Before I 'fess up to my weighty issues, I thought I would mention that I wasn't better at writing down my food intake, and I did eat Halloween candy.

BUT I did walk every day possible.
I did drink all my water (6 cups or more)
I did concentrate on eating more fruits and veggies (5 servings per day). Try to focus on the ZERO calorie veggies (non-starchy ones)

So how do y'all think I did?

Well . . . I lost the weight that I had gained (1.6 lbs) plus some more--for a weight loss last week of 2.8 lbs!

Total weight loss = 33.6 Pounds!!

Y'all know how I've been doing it, because I've been telling you about my journey. I'm not through with this journey yet, and I still have numerous challenges to face. Even after I reach my goal weight, it will be a daily challenge to remember where I was, weight-wise, and vow never to be there again.

The first challenge of the week is CANDY MAKING!

I'm making candy to hand out at the end of my talk on Saturday. I made my fillings last year and, other than tasting them to see if they were still good, I haven't sampled the num-nums. Why? I know they'll be good . . . though my first batch of Grand Marnier looks horrible on the bottoms. I let my chocolate cool down a little too much and they look terrible!

Oh, well, I have 8 of them that I won't take to the meeting. So if you want to try my Grand Marnier truffles, get thee to Tulsa! :-)

I wonder if there is any way I could make some money at this?

Because, as we all know, I stink at marketing myself. Any suggestions??

Later, Peeps!