
Last Cuppa Joe

Yesterday I had my last cup of coffee until Easter. Yes, I know I should have started on Ash Wednesday, but I had enough grounds left for a couple more cups . . .
--Besides, hubster and kiddo are giving up candy, so you know I'll have to give that up, too!
Coffee wasn't my first choice of things to give up for Lent, but when I'm the only one in the family who drinks it, AND they very nicely requested that I give it up. What could I do?
Honestly, I don't think I'm addicted to coffee, though they would disagree. I only drink two cups every morning and when we go out of town I usually don't bother with it--unless we eat at a restaurant. But I do like something warm in the morning to hold and to take my vitamins, so I purchased a variety of teabags: English Breakfast tea and a sampling of green teas and herbal teas to carry me over the crunch time.
I've given up coffee a couple of times in the past.
1)when I was preggers,
2) when I'd eaten so many chocolate covered coffee beans that just the thought of coffee burned a hole in my stomach. Hey, I had to buy a minimum of 1/4lb. of them and I only needed about 10 to decorate an incredible torte and there were a LOT left over! Uh, yeah, they are addictive.
So are you giving up anything for Lent?
Write on!


  1. I've never given up anything for Lent. If there's a way to give up calories while not going hungry, I'm up for it!
    But since you informed us that standing doesn't make the little monsters run out your toes, I doubt I'll be able to do it.
    Can you give up something useful for Lent? Like house cleaning or bill paying? If so, I choose that.

  2. LOL, Susan!
    This is the first year we've been doing the fasting thing, too. It wasn't too bad on Ash Wednesday--I drank a lot of water and hot tea, which of course, caused me to spend far too much time in the 'reading room'!
    --and today is another fasting day. *sigh* Sorry, TMI. :-(

  3. No Lent for me. I'm not Catholic. But I like Susan's house cleaning idea. :)

  4. Well, you know that's probably where J. A. Krentz got her 'dust bunnies' for her Harmony futuristic series (W/A Jayne Castle). I love those bunnies!

  5. Question:
    What do you mean a fasting day? You mean really fasting? As in no food?
    Is that part of Lent?
    Makes me kinda glad I'm not Catholic.

  6. The guidelines are far more lax than when I was growing up. According the the Catholic doctrine:
    Fasting: no meals or snacks, BUT you are allowed to eat 1 meal
    Abstinance: no meat (poultry, beef, pork)BUT allowed eggs and dairy products.
    It really isn't too difficult to follow. Shoot, many times I only eat one meal a day anyway.


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