
I'm So Proud

of my kiddo I get misty-eyed just thinking about this!
My kiddo is in second grade and she wrote a chapter book story. Her story is titled, Chicky in the Past. Now, granted, I needed her to translate all the misspelled words, but when she read it to me . . . I. WAS. IN. SHOCK.
For a second grader it was pretty good. And I don't think this is just 'proud mom' beaming with delight. She had written four chapters, and the story had a beginning, a middle and an end. Chicky even went on his adventures with his buddy, Ox. If she had written it a couple of months ago, I would have submitted it to the school contest (for the life of me, I can't remember the name of it), which is judged by teachers according to the child's age group.
I intend to type it in the computer and print out a copy (along with saving it in her document file along with her Dear Santa letters) to put in her keepsakes box.
All I can say is, WOW!
I'm just so proud of her I'm about ready to burst!
Did your kids ever do something that surprised the heck out of you?
Write on!


  1. Awww. I can imagine how proud you are. She takes after her mom!

    When my son was in college, he had to write fiction, and it was great! That was a surprise for me, because he doesn't read fiction. lol

  2. Isn't it nice to know that the kiddos DO pick up good habits just by observation/listening.
    --scary, too, come to think of it.

  3. Not quite a chapter book, but when my #1 kid was in 1st or 2nd grade, out of the blue, he wrote an ad for my aunt's beauty shop. Pictures and all! Naturally, she ran it in the paper.
    Later in grade school he wrote a werewolf story that had an amazing amount of imagination. Yes, I saved it.
    Having met your kiddo, I'm not in the least surprised. She's something else!

  4. I LOVE the beauty shop ad story, Susan! I love the way a kid's imagination works.
    So is this where you got the idea for Make Me Howl? :-)

  5. No. His was a serious ww story. Mine is a little lighter than that--hopefully!
    It is how I learned to think outside the box--trying to keep up with my kids.

  6. Yep, the kiddo really stimulates my imagination!


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