Showing posts with label Lent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lent. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday -- Ash Wednesday

Total weight loss -- 41.4 lbs!

As I seem to be prone to mentioning, my weight loss has been very plateau-y over the last 4-5 months. It's almost as if I'm practicing the maintenance aspect of the Weight Watcher program. Gain a little, lose a little, lose a little more, gain most of the loss back, and so on and so forth. Okay--I got it now. Let's move on to the last few stinking pounds that I need to lose!

We're only talking about 5.8 lbs, yanno!

I've come up with virtually every excuse under the sun as to why I'm stalled. I KNOW why. It's just forcing myself to recommit to the program.

And now, I must be thankful for this religious time of year--today is Ash Wednesday, the start of the  Lenten season. Ash Wednesday starts the forty days until Easter Sunday--the forty days that Jesus fasted while in the wilderness.

But if you really want to fast for forty days, I'd suggest you sign up for Survivor instead.

Many western religions use this time to strengthen their belief in God through various forms of penance, prayer, repentance, and self-denial. Every Friday is a day of fasting, though that's changed to abstinence from eating meat.

I will say how very thankful I am for my observance during this Lenten season, because it will allow me to focus and become a better person through prayer and self-denial. Though many people will keep their vows to themselves, I'm going to be open about my observance.

I plan to give up two luxury items that have caused me to stumble during my Weight Watcher journey--alcoholic beverages (wine, Bailey's and the occasional margaritas) and desserts (pretty much anything sweet, including candy, cookies, scoops of peanut butter, etc). It will take prayer and dedication to see me over the hump of the first few days, but I'll do it.

As I write this blog, it's Fat Tuesday, and many people will be living their last hurrah before Lent. I won't be one of them--living in Oklahoma, we don't really celebrate Fat Tuesday--so I don't think I'll be missing anything. Instead, I'll be working in the yard enjoying nature all she has to offer.

Though this might not be the blog you were looking for today, think about how you can make good choices that will have a trickle down effect. Choosing to eat healthy, will show your children that you take their health seriously. Oh, they'll grump and groan, but you might be surprised.

Last Friday, I roasted brussel sprouts. I ate them. Hubby ate two servings of them. And the kidlet ate a few. Now, I've been BANNED from ever roasting brussel sprouts in the house again (due to the stench!), but it did get the family to try something new and different.

Later, Peeps! And remember the reason for the season!


Last Cuppa Joe

Yesterday I had my last cup of coffee until Easter. Yes, I know I should have started on Ash Wednesday, but I had enough grounds left for a couple more cups . . .
--Besides, hubster and kiddo are giving up candy, so you know I'll have to give that up, too!
Coffee wasn't my first choice of things to give up for Lent, but when I'm the only one in the family who drinks it, AND they very nicely requested that I give it up. What could I do?
Honestly, I don't think I'm addicted to coffee, though they would disagree. I only drink two cups every morning and when we go out of town I usually don't bother with it--unless we eat at a restaurant. But I do like something warm in the morning to hold and to take my vitamins, so I purchased a variety of teabags: English Breakfast tea and a sampling of green teas and herbal teas to carry me over the crunch time.
I've given up coffee a couple of times in the past.
1)when I was preggers,
2) when I'd eaten so many chocolate covered coffee beans that just the thought of coffee burned a hole in my stomach. Hey, I had to buy a minimum of 1/4lb. of them and I only needed about 10 to decorate an incredible torte and there were a LOT left over! Uh, yeah, they are addictive.
So are you giving up anything for Lent?
Write on!