Showing posts with label fruits and veggies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruits and veggies. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday--Tired of being an Oompa-Loompa

The only difference between me and an Oompa-Loompa is skin tone.

I'm short--check.

I'm round--check.

But I don't have hepatitis.

Well, okay, I don't have green hair either.

And I do have a slightly better fashion sense.

So why do I feel like an Oompa-Loompa?

True confessions here--through apathy, I've managed to regain 20 pounds of my 50 pound weight loss.

Ugh, that hurts to write down. But that's my reality. As I said when I started this weight loss journey, everyone has their own path to follow. I knew that if I changed my behavior too radically, I couldn't keep it up.

But I also knew that I needed to fill up on fruits and veggies.

And over time, I've stopped eating as many fruits and veggies as I should. My goal for this week is to eat my daily goal of fruits and veg--five or six servings worth.

That's it. I'm not planning to rewire my mental hardware all at once. I choose only one thing that I need to work on and focus on that. Too much info, then core meltdown.

See, here's the interesting aspect of this--the more fruits and veg you eat, the less processed food you want to fill the empty void. Whereas, if you eat just processed food, it is digested quickly, which in turn, makes you graze in your pantry.

Trust me on this, It's what I've been doing for over a year since I started putting this weight back on.

Another interesting note is even when I follow the plan in regards to the amount of PPV's allowed per day, I won't lose weight. I maintain weight. It's the addition of the fresh fruits and veg that help me drop this extra weight.

This is why you will hear your WW leaders say that you need to check off your good health guidelines--DAILY. If your intake simply follows that plan, then you will lose the weight.

This is my goal for the week, what's yours?

Later, Peeps!  


Weighty Wednesday -- Carrying On

I didn't make it to my WW meeting this week, but I did weigh at home. I barely made my weight goal . . . it's a good thing I didn't have to weigh with clothes on!

I'm finding this time of year to be tough to stay on course. I don't know if it's the up/down weather we're having or what, but I'm not 100% back in the game yet. I'll get there. It just takes focus.

This week I'm doubling my efforts to drink more water. This means I'm having to add a flavoring to my afternoon drink. I don't use one Crystal Light packet for one bottle of water--2 cups--, I usually fill my aluminum bottle--3 cups--with water and add a packet. It's a little more dilute, but it still works! I should have realized H2O was a problem when my fingernails started chipping and peeling. I had to cut them down to their nubbins. I HATE having them this short, but it's the only way to stop them from tearing.

I'm also having a tough time getting all my fruits and veggies in. I'll have to make a concentrated effort to get those in daily.

The reason I post about my weight loss trials and travails is partly to give others encouragement  that everyone goes through tough times along their journey, and partly to force myself to be accountable for my foodie actions.

That said, here's a little story for you:

I let the dog out last night while I was watching Face Off on Syfy channel--for those who've never seen it, it's Project Runway for make up artists. Last night's challenge was making a candy monster. It was a fun show. Many of the characters were fascinating, while the bad ones were really bad.

Anyway, the dog usually goes out, does her biz and comes back to the door. I started to wonder what was taking her so long. I go to the door and called her--nothing. Now, I'm worried she managed to get out of the yard--tough to do since we keep our gates locked.

But still, moms worry about stuff like this.

So I got a flashlight and wandered into the back yard. Maggie--the dog-- was sitting near my rose bushes that line the fence, staring up at the top of the fence.


I called the kidlet out to look at nature in the city. She came back with her phone and took a couple of pictures. This explains why the dog has been so excited about parts of the yard lately. She probably smells the opossum crossing through, but this is the first time she saw it!

Later, Peeps!