Showing posts with label Healthy Guidelines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Guidelines. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday--Tired of being an Oompa-Loompa

The only difference between me and an Oompa-Loompa is skin tone.

I'm short--check.

I'm round--check.

But I don't have hepatitis.

Well, okay, I don't have green hair either.

And I do have a slightly better fashion sense.

So why do I feel like an Oompa-Loompa?

True confessions here--through apathy, I've managed to regain 20 pounds of my 50 pound weight loss.

Ugh, that hurts to write down. But that's my reality. As I said when I started this weight loss journey, everyone has their own path to follow. I knew that if I changed my behavior too radically, I couldn't keep it up.

But I also knew that I needed to fill up on fruits and veggies.

And over time, I've stopped eating as many fruits and veggies as I should. My goal for this week is to eat my daily goal of fruits and veg--five or six servings worth.

That's it. I'm not planning to rewire my mental hardware all at once. I choose only one thing that I need to work on and focus on that. Too much info, then core meltdown.

See, here's the interesting aspect of this--the more fruits and veg you eat, the less processed food you want to fill the empty void. Whereas, if you eat just processed food, it is digested quickly, which in turn, makes you graze in your pantry.

Trust me on this, It's what I've been doing for over a year since I started putting this weight back on.

Another interesting note is even when I follow the plan in regards to the amount of PPV's allowed per day, I won't lose weight. I maintain weight. It's the addition of the fresh fruits and veg that help me drop this extra weight.

This is why you will hear your WW leaders say that you need to check off your good health guidelines--DAILY. If your intake simply follows that plan, then you will lose the weight.

This is my goal for the week, what's yours?

Later, Peeps!  


Weighty Wednesday -- Finding the STOP button

When I went on vacation at the end of July, my weight loss efforts went on vacation, too. . . for over six weeks.

Oh, I've been tracking, and measuring, and eating all my foods on my healthy guidelines for the last few weeks, but I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

It wasn't until this last Saturday at lunch that I figured it out.
Stock Photo
Copyright : amasterpics123 

I had lost my STOP button.

In fact, I was about to go all crazy person on my hubs when he offered to finish my gyro and I 'growled' at him. Three small bites later, I handed him a piece with two large bites left containing tons of meat. . . .

And had this revelation.

I think Americans have been trained to stop eating when they feel full. Well, the problem is that your brain waves are a little behind the times when they signal you that you are full and you end up in the 'feeling stuffed like the Thanksgiving turkey' full.

I know I've mentioned this before, but it's okay to leave food on your plate. Don't force yourself to finish eating it because there are starving children in ______ (fill in the blank). There will always be starving children somewhere and your food waste isn't going to feed them.

When I'm eating all my healthy guideline foods, I tend to have lots of WW points left at the end of the day, but when I'm not eating my healthy guideline foods, I use up my WW points around noon. The healthy guidelines are basically drinking 6 glasses of WATER, eating 2 servings of fat free dairy, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, and lean protein. In other words, refined carbs such as sugar and flour products tend to use up your daily WW points.

In my WW weekly, I was reading a small blurb by the guy who does the fitness part of the pamphlet. It was quite enlightening. He had commented that on his tracker, he had gone over on his daily points a couple of days the previous week. When he started investigating as to why, he realized he'd been eating a muffin instead of the potato chips he really wanted.

Here's the enlightening part:

The muffin cost him 16 WW points, whereas if he had eaten the potato chips he would have only used 4 WW points!

Proving that you need to use your point calculator and not assume that one food is automatically less than another product.

You know about assuming things, right?

You make an ASS out of U and ME = ASSUME

Just something to think about.

Later, Peeps!


Weighty Wednesday -- Sliding Back into Bad Habits

Last week, I talked the good talk. I was going to do yada, yada, yada, but what I managed to do was buy a couple bags of peanut M&M and stay the course of not tracking and not eating all my fruit and veg. I did absolutely nothing to fix this weight gain trend.

Let's just say that I decided NOT to weigh this week at my Weight Watchers meeting.

This was the FIRST time in over a year and a half of my membership that I didn't weigh in. The first time since I hit my weight goal eight months ago.

And I felt HORRIBLE about it!

I weigh myself at home before the meeting and I knew I would be above the +2 pounds allowed to stay at Lifetime Goal.

For those of you late to my honesty gain--My goal weight is 132 lbs. I'm allowed to have up to 2 pounds higher than my goal, which is 134 pounds, and still keep my free membership.

I weighed 134.2 nekkid. So when you add clothing to the equation, I would definitely be over my allowable range.

The thing is that I wasn't surprised about it.

I could see it trending in my documents--in the numbers and on the graph.
I could tell by the way I felt--clothes were just a little snugger, and I felt fat and bloated.
I could also tell that I didn't care what I was eating.--the lack of documentation is a biggie.  

Though I'm on the Simply Filling plan for most days, I still didn't mark off my Healthy Guidelines checks. You know, the ones I keep talking about: Water, fruits and veg, dairy, healthy oil, multi-vitamin and exercise.

Well, I have exactly one week to fix this problem. Next Tuesday when I attend my meeting, I HAVE to weigh in to maintain my Lifetime status. I have to be in my +/- 2 pound weight range of my goal weight.

To get to this point, I didn't gain weight just because of what I ate--it was because of what I DIDN'T eat.

That's right, my friends, as I've told you--and myself--time and time you have to get all your healthy checks in EVERY DAY! If you make a poor food choice, or you decide to splurge, there's something about eating enough healthy checks that keep me in balance.

I have to get my healthy checks daily. Period.

If I do this, then I don't want to eat all the carb-loaded foods out there--yes, that includes peanut M&M's.

So, who's with me this week?

*my hand shoots up into the air*

I can't hear you! So who's with me?

*a few lone voices holler out, "We are."*

I still can't hear you! Who's with me?

*We are!*


at least 6-8 oz. glasses of Water
5-6 1/2 cup servings of fruits and veg (fluffy veg like lettuce or spinach is one cup per serving)
2 Fat Free dairy servings
1 multivitamin
1 tsp. healthy oil

Recommit, Peeps!