Showing posts with label earthquake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earthquake. Show all posts


Earthquake Correlation

Last night around 2300 (11 PM), we had another earthquake. This time it was a 5.6 in magnitude. I know all you jaded Californians are shaking your heads, but you must remember, OKLAHOMA DOESN'T GET EARTHQUAKES, WE HAVE TORNADOS--LOTS OF THEM. Tornados we're used to, earthquakes not so much.

Hubby woke me from a sound sleep so I could pee my pants, er, enjoy the experience. It lasted much longer than the previous one, and I couldn't tell if I was shaking or the bed kept shaking for over a couple of minutes.

It could have been either one.

Anyway, I was looking at my blog stats this AM. Y'all reading my blog makes me happy, so I tend to look at my stats to try to figure out what brings you over for a visit.

And I noticed something very interesting . . .
Oklahoma earthquake

Blog stats
Okay, you'll have to squint your eyes and use your imagination on the second picture.
But do you see what I see?? 

*sigh* I hate to say it, but my blog visitors are causing the quakes. What a sorry, sorry thing to have happen . . .

Just kidding! Keep on visiting and I'll keep posting fresh material.
Now, I have to go to play with my power point presentation for Saturday's talk. .  . Okay, I'm lying, I'm really going to play Adventure World first, and then I'll work on my power point before getting ready for church.

Later, peeps!


Earthquake! . . . in Oklahoma?

@ 0213 I awoke to the bed violently shaking. Was the hubby having a bad dream and 'kicking' at his opponent? Did we suddenly gain a poltergeist who was making its presence known?

Nope. We were having an earthquake.

Earthquakes aren't unheard of in Oklahoma, but until recently we usually don't have earthquakes strong enough to be felt. This was my second in experience of my life and both of them happened in the last year.

We turned on the news and checked the computer--nothing.

I told my hubby to check Facebook on his phone. Sure enough, one of his friends in OKC--@ 100 miles away--posted an update. I LOVE FB! If you need to find out something in a hurry, social media trumps news every time! I would have posted a status, too, except that I would have had to traipse downstairs to my computer . . . and it was cold . . . and I was too lazy!

Well, I'm updating now.