
Earthquake! . . . in Oklahoma?

@ 0213 I awoke to the bed violently shaking. Was the hubby having a bad dream and 'kicking' at his opponent? Did we suddenly gain a poltergeist who was making its presence known?

Nope. We were having an earthquake.

Earthquakes aren't unheard of in Oklahoma, but until recently we usually don't have earthquakes strong enough to be felt. This was my second in experience of my life and both of them happened in the last year.

We turned on the news and checked the computer--nothing.

I told my hubby to check Facebook on his phone. Sure enough, one of his friends in OKC--@ 100 miles away--posted an update. I LOVE FB! If you need to find out something in a hurry, social media trumps news every time! I would have posted a status, too, except that I would have had to traipse downstairs to my computer . . . and it was cold . . . and I was too lazy!

Well, I'm updating now.


  1. Woke me up, too. I thought it was our dog, who usually sleeps under the bed. But she'd opted to stay downstairs instead of going up with us.
    Probably knew the quake was coming and didn't want to be upstairs for it.

  2. Woke me, too. I thought the wind had come up and was scraping tree branches on the roof at first, until I realized that couldn't make the ceiling fan rattle and sway.

    Didn't keep me awake, though. I was back to sleep in the time it took to roll over.

  3. Smart dog, Susan! I don't think our dog even woke up!

    I'm with you, Marilyn! I went right back to sleep. :-)

  4. No kidding. I was a bunking party last night (or do you call them slumber parties?) with all my junior high/high school girlfriends. I haven't seen the news since Friday morning. I had no idea!

    Wish I were closer and I'd go hear you speak next weekend.

  5. This was my second quake, Meg. I was at my desk for the first one, I thought a car had hit my house! One big shake and it was over.

    Thanks, Cyndi! I def. would want you in the peanut gallery! It was funny because people on FB were the first to report it!


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