Showing posts with label camp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label camp. Show all posts


Bits and Pieces

With all this rain, I had forgotten how quickly black spot spreads. *Remember the last two years have been droughty. No rain, thus no black spot.* And I didn't spray AT ALL. Some of my roses are denuded of leaves. I need to deadhead and spray this weekend. Poor babies.

Last night I made my spaghetti meat sauce and had to open a bottle of red wine.  I searched in my cabinet and found a 2005 Mount Pleasant Norton. We probably did buy this wine about 6-8 years ago, but the last time I opened the bottle it was so tannic that it was undrinkable. Now, it's finally ready. Making the spaghetti sauce was quick and easy because of another little trick--pre-cook your meat. The last time I went to Sam's Club I purchased six pounds of ground beef and about the same amount of hot Italian sausage, in casings. I spent all morning cooking the meat, dividing it and sealing it into vacuum bags. It was definitely worth the hassle when all I had to do was pull the meat out of the freezer, defrost it a little and dump it into the sauce to finish up.

The kidlet goes to Girl Scout camp next week. They are not allowed to take electronics, and the one paperback book I bought her when I met Tara Hudson--Hereafter-- has been read. Guess I'll need to stop at Barnes and Noble or Books-A-Million to find books two and three, Arise and Elegy.

Speaking of YA, Ally Carter keeps tweeting that she has finished the very last Gallagher Girls books. So sad. This was a nice series, but characters do tend to grow up. And the Gallagher Girls are finishing up at SPY high school.

I thought I'd be able to putz around the house today, do laundry, spray my roses, weed my garden, but nope, I had promised to take my hubs to have his windshield fixed. *sigh* Which means another trip around lunch to take him back to the aforementioned car. With new tires and a new windshield, its almost as if he has a brand new Corvette. Right?

With the kidlet at camp next week, maybe, just maybe, I'll actually be able to sit down and write. Man, it's been tough this summer. I did make a few corrections on DRAGON DAYS OF SUMMER as I reread the first 50 pages to get back into writing that story, but that was weeks ago! I'll have to do it all over again. Plus I want to get a rough draft down of my next picture book, PIPER AND THE EVERBERRY SOCCER GAME, tentative title.

I think temps will be going back to normal for the summer--90's and dry--so we might actually be able to swim in the pool. . . .along with starting to plan a few pool parties. YAY!

Later, Peeps!


My Sunday--not so typical

Yesterday, I didn't get my walk in until early afternoon. And it was HOT, like fry an egg on the asphalt hot. Okay, it wasn't quite that bad, but it was one of the hottest day's this year, or maybe it just felt like it.

So I'm hoofing it around the trails with my ice cold water, which lasted like 30 minutes, and you do realize that I walk for 60 minutes, right? So the water becomes tepid at 30 minutes and then HOT at the 45 minute mark, but by then I've polished off the entire 1.5 pints of liquidy goodness.

Oh, and did I mention the wind?

Yeah, it was blowing so hard that I thought I was walking backward at times, it reminded me of the times when I was riding Buster around the area and we were flying down one side, but galloping into the wind took about 3X as long. Good times, good times.

And I bet you're wondering why it took me until afternoon to go on my walkies, well, it was simply because we actually went to church and then to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast. Mimi's has a veggie frittata made with egg whites that was WON-DER-FUL! And turkey sausage. And fruit. Who would have thought turkey sausage was good?

Not me. But then again, sausage is all about spices and texture. Who cares what it's made with, right? Considering sausage used to be made from all the nasty stuff that no one wanted to eat.

And back to my heat stroke story  . . .

After eating a nice brunch, I had to start laundry which was the reason I didn't go for walkies until noon.
You want to know what's really gross about walking in the friggin' heat?

Sweat shins.

Yes, my friends, my shins sweat. They don't dew, glisten or what-have-you, they sweat as in beads of sweat. Like the bead of sweat that rolls down your spine until it gets sucked up by your butt crack type of sweating.

Er, is that TMI?

Too bad, this is what you get for a Monday morning.

You're probably wondering why I'm so scattered and flying off on various tangents, well, it's what happened two hours AFTER my heat stroke-induced walkies that did it.

My hubby and I drove my kidlet to camp.

And left her.

Last year, it was worse because we left town and flew to Vegas . . . and it was cooler in Vegas than it was here in Oklahoma. Poor kidlet didn't have any AC, though the did have fans in their cabins.

So the question for this week . . . What to do with myself for 5 days?? !!  Well, day 5 I'll be spending with my hubby since it's his birthday and I did ask to see Snow White and the Hunks . . . .er, HUNTSMAN. Sorry, but Chris Hemsworth is some serious eye candy!

To quote George Takai:   "Oh, my!"

And when I wrote this (Sunday night) I was also Skyping with a high School friend who was coming to town, IM'ing another old high school friend AND IM'ing a my writing buddy, Cyndi.

Don't you DARE say that I can't multitask!

Let's see what else I've accomplished Sunday:
  • I refilled and organized the wine rack
  • looked for my Lifetime WW pin (couldn't find it) :-(
  • organized my hall closet
  • finished laundry and ironing
Today, I need to--
  • organize the freezer.
  • check the pool chemicals
  • fertilize my roses and trim
  • toss the garden mulch
  • pick up doggie poo
  • take out the trash
  • finish reading Brenda Novak book
Wow, I don't know what else to do? How about:
  • reread TROLL and continue edits
  • Plot DRAGON
Oh, so much to do and so little time to do it. Oh, and I can't eat much today because I intend to hit my goal tomorrow AM. Luckily, hubby is in meetings all day and into the evening and I don't have to cook for him. Green Monster smoothie here I come! Check out the recipe on Foodie Fridays!

And if I continue to blather on and on, I'll just get confused.

If you wondered, I wrote this blog as pure regurgitation of my thoughts. Now you know why I'm so nutso most of the time--there's just too much stuff going on inside my head.

Make them stop! Make the voices stop!

Just Kidding! I need those voices to tell me what to do . . . *tests finger against butcher knife blade*

Watch out, Peeps!


Kidlet off to Girl Scout Camp

Well, yesterday we took our one and only to Girl Scout camp. She's going to be gone for five days.


It's going to be weird without her chattering all the time. The silence will be deafening.  Ah . . . the peace. 

*shh* Don't tell her!

This is the kid who periodically gets homesick when she spends the night at a friend's house, her cousin's house and even at grandma's house. She usually calls us (except when she's at grandma's house, because grandma's tough!) and gets even sadder until Daddy *cough* caves and picks her up.

I don't drive at night if I don't have to, which means I would NEVER cave.

Well, at GS camp there is no calling home. There is no parental communication. Oh, the parents can send a pre-written letter or email to your kid, but it isn't happening in 'real' time and the kid can't respond back. Once we leave, she's on her own.

And personally, I think she'll be so tired she won't have a chance to get homesick.

I'm excited for her, but at the same time I'm excited for the hubster and me  . . . we will be AWOL for a few days. Dropping off the grid will be a nice change of pace.

I feel really, really sorry for all those kiddos--when we dropped ours off it was 110 degrees--and they have NO air conditioning, only fans in the cabins. This week it is supposed to be 100+ degrees every day, which means the nights won't be colder than 80-85 degrees, equaling miserable sleeping. I hope she enjoys her first long camp experience.

See ya later on the flipside, Peeps!