
To Self-pub or NOT to Self-Pub

that is the real question, isn't it?

For years, self-published writers got a bad rap (and many of them deserved it), but the publishing world is changing. BUT I don't think someone who is a new writer should immediately self-publish. 


Because they aren't ready and, more importantly, their work isn't ready. (Of course there are always exceptions to broad statements like this one)

Just because you write a book it doesn't mean everyone in the world should see it.  So many first books are dreck.  If they aren't dreck, then they've been overworked, critted to death, or simply in need of a single shot blowing it into shreds.  So many writers need to write hundreds of thousands of words to even get a clue who they are as a writer.  One book ain't gonna do it.

Personally, I have four 90-100 K word novels and 10 picture books sitting under the proverbial bed, AKA the hard drive.  And this isn't including my current middle grade stuff.  It is a rare writer who can write something that is publishable first time around.  It takes time and many, many words to hone your craft, find your writing voice and style, and TO LEARN THE BUSINESS OF PUBLISHING.

Way too many writers are just so anxious to see their name in print or to say they're a published author that they forget there is more to this business than simply writing a story.  There is also something to be said for having a pile of rejections in your files. 


It allows you time to develop a T-rex thick skin.  Rejection happens get used to it.  Instead of agents and editors rejecting your stuff, it's bad reviews, trollish comments, or whatever.

Another key to self-publishing is to get as many books out there in a reasonable time frame.  If someone likes your story, then they want to buy another story.  HAVE THAT NEXT STORY READY. 

How long did it take you to write your first story?  One year?  Five years?  How long will it take for you to write the second story? 

My first story took over two years to write.  The second one took about eight months.  Some of the middle grade stuff doesn't take as long to write, but it does take time. 

So to that end, I must go and work on my next Kyte Webber story:  She might have won the battle in LOST LEPRECHAUN LOOT, it doesn't mean the leprechauns aren't contemplating revenge. . .

Later, Peeps

Due to my own stupid incompetence , Lost Leprechaun Loot, has been delayed going up on Kindle.  And yes, I was severely reprimanded by my writing friend, Edie Ramer.  Let's just say that it was up, but I managed to give myself a double last name.  So as soon as I was able, I took it down to fix my errors, delaying its release. 


  1. I goofed up with the name thing on my first upload of Cattitude on Kindle, too. I didn't freak out, though. I knew someone else who goofed, too. lol

    You are so right about people waiting to publish. I read excerpts of other self-pubbed writers. Some are brilliant, but others made me cringe.

  2. Thanks, Edie--I don't feel like a stupid doof anymore. :-)

    I think the people who self-publish too soon are doing themselves a disservice. Just like in print publishing, it's all about building a readership. If you put up a product that has errors, wandering dialogue, zero pacing, 2D characters, etc, then they won't sell or gain readers.

  3. It's also important to remember that plenty of published books are CRAP. So the fact that you're accepted to be published doesn't make your stuff good any more than being rejected means it's not good.

    My personal philosophy is,if a person is a good writer and knows it, there is no need to put one's self through the torture of rejections. I will absolutely go straight to self-publishing for that reason.

    I'm certain that what I write won't be everybody's cup of tea. It won't follow a formula and won't fit in to any specific genre. But I gotta tell you - all that "romance" stuff that is so popular? I just roll my eyes and cringe when I read that kind of stuff (I use the word 'romance' loosely, as people seem to have totally confused "sex" and "romance"). The moral of the story: it's a big world. There's room for all of us.

  4. Jody--The only problem with your comments is this "...if a person is a good writer and knows it..."
    There are TONS of writers out there who are not good, but they think they are (sort of like those delusional fools on American Idol). But I think it will all come out in the wash in the end. They either won't write another book or they won't sell very much.

    I'm disappointed with much of the 'romance' being published as you are. I want sexual tension, not the H/H explicit sex scenes. But, so far, we are in the minority. This, too, will become cyclic and toning it down will become the norm.

  5. I agree that everybody "thinks" they can write. I encounter than phenomenon daily when I am rewriting people's cringworthy text for websites, brochures, etc.

    I'd wager a bet that the majority of readers don't know 'good' writing from poor writing, they only know what they like. And some of 'em like crap. So again, room for us all!

    The most disturbing trend, to me, in the "romance" genre is the popularity of the hero/heroines having sex with all manners of sub-humanoid creatures. It is a very disturbing statement about society in general.

    If you gotta have fangs or be able to shape-shift to get the girl, it's no wonder the nice guys can never catch a break :)

  6. I never got into the vampire thing. To me, vampires are simply blood-sucking parasites, right up there with ticks and fleas. :-)

    I skimmed through the children's books blurbs on smashwords and there's something to be said for learning how to write a blurb, a short and long synopsis, and one one sentence pitch (similar to the ones in the TV Guide). So many self-published authors don't know they've written a run-on sentence that tells,"this happens, then this and then this happens." That is as far away from back cover copy as you can get!


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