
Taking a Leprechaun Leap

Well, I did it.

I made a foray into the world of self-publishing.  Yes, it made my brain hurt trying figure out all the stupid little formating things that I had to to and reading all the fine print of the contracts.  I don't even want to think how much my head would have hurt trying to clean up a full novel--ugh!  All I had was a simple 5500 word chapter book story, or short story, which wouldn't have seen the light of day any other way, I might add!

Anyhoo, I want to thank all the people who helped me along the way. I'll blog about my story when it becomes available.  Right now, it's in the hands of Amazon and Smashwords for them to do their 'magic'.

But I have to give Laura Morrigan a shoutout for my incredible cover:

Don't you just LOVE the dragon's eyes!  I know I do.
Later, Peeps!


  1. Good for you for taking things in your own hands, Margaret!
    I hope the kids discover it, love it and pass the word!
    Hope you sell a million.

  2. Wishing you the best in your lastest adventure! Looking forward to hearing about it.

  3. Thanks, Susan! 'word of mouth' is the best way to sell . . . I just hope to get a few 'talkers' who read it and love it. :-)

  4. Thanks, Liz! I've been racking my brains trying to come up with another one that can play into the Easter season. Must do some research as to the origin of the Easter bunny . . .

  5. Margaret, it's the coolest cover! Congrats on taking the leap. I hope you sell many, many, many copies.

  6. Thank you, Edie, So do I! The question is how do I hit up family members without over pimping??

  7. Love the cover!!

    Good luck with pimping to the family. I have tons of aunts and cousins and in-laws and would be surprised if they'd bought a hundred of my books out of the 70-something I've published. (wry grin)

    Be sure to let us know when it's available. I want one!

  8. OMG! That is so awesome! Love, love the cover. :) I'm so glad you're pushing it out into the world. eBooks are the way to go!! *hugs*

  9. You'll be the first person I email, Marilyn! Your grandkidlet might even enjoy the story if he doesn't mind not having pictures. :-)

  10. ASH!!!! how are you?? I've missed seeing you--When you're up to lunch or something, let me know. I'll pick you up if you can't drive.

    I got a Kindle for Christmas and once I finish the free 'classics' that I downloaded, I plan to download your story.

  11. Can I get a big Whooooo Hoooooooo!
    I'm so proud of you.
    Isn't it awesome to see YOUR name on a cover like that????

  12. It doesn't seem real, Jody. I know you've been pushing me ever since you read GNOME. If I get rejected by Jabberwocky, I WILL self pub it, though I think I need to clean it up some more. I have a clear idea of what I want for the GNOME cover--unlike LLL where I had zero ideas!

  13. Congratulations, Margaret!!!
    Fantastic cover. Love it and the story.


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