
The Road Keeps You Moving Along

We buried Katie last Thursday.

We had her cremated so she was returned to us as a cupful of ashes in a plastic box, placed in a velvet bag. Hubster wanted to sprinkle her ashes in the ground, but practical me thought the pH might make the soil too alkaline. She's in a beautiful garden bed. A lavender crepe myrtle tree stretches fifteen feet in the air, shading her with it's magnificent blooms in August. Two rose bushes reside on either side, one of them, a Garden Carpet shrub rose, will guard her fiercely with its vicious attack thorns, while the other, a mini called Moonlight Scentsation, will bath her in its sweet fragrance, a deep rose peony bush hovers over her along with Batik iris, and during the heat of the summer day lilies will bloom. Everytime I look out the window adjacent to my writing desk I will see her.

She will always reside in my heart.

No one will ever replace her because she was as unique as she could be. Hubster and Kidlet are making plans for a copper cross they will make to grace her grave. She will be remembered.

But to live in the past, the 'what if's', and second guessing our choices will only lead to more heartache. And it isn't anyway to live your life. We are moving forward with our lives. I know some people wonder at our seemingly sudden decision, but we are filling the hole in our heart the only way we know how . . . we are waiting for a new puppy.

Her name is Maggie.

I'm almost finished with THE FAST AND THE FAERIEOUS, so until later . . . Write On!


  1. How beautiful, Margaret. Sudden decision for Maggie? No, I don't think so. No other dog could replace Katie--right now she's running free and watching.
    I buried my beloved Zoey on the pond dam, cut a stone marker, and know that she's still watching out for me.
    BTW: Maggie is so cute!

  2. Maggie? Short for Margaret, Jr? How adorable!
    I'm so very sorry about Katie. She was a wonderful dog. Very well behaved! Every time I met her, I was impressed.
    We love our dogs like we do our children. I know how hard it was for you to lose Katie.
    I look forward to seeing Rachel's copper cross. At least a picture of it!
    BTW: Are you coming Saturday to Ashley's first book party? You know you're more than welcome! As is your husband's wine. :-)

  3. Oops.
    Correct that. It's a week from Saturday. May 10th.
    Please come!

  4. Cute Maggie!

    We lost our lhasa-peke last July. Dearly Departed Daisy's urn sits on my book shelf behind her picture. On top of the urn I placed one of her favorite treats. Still hurts, but also comforts. She was the best dog ever.

    But worse than our heartache was watching her friend, Monster Chihuahua Lola, cope with the loss. For days she'd watch out the window, sniff the corners where Daisy slept, and stopped eating for two weeks.

    We still consider getting another dog, but Monster Chihuahua Lola has adapted to her Queen Bee status. I doubt she'd allow another canine's presence. Yet, I'm ready for another, so there. :)

    Good luck with the new addition!

  5. p.s. Definitely not too soon for another dog. Katie is happier knowing another lucky dog found a home.

  6. I'm guessing no one calls you Maggie. It is a great name for your dog. And we humans have enough love in us to spread it around.

    We have two dogs buried in our back yard, both dogs of our heart. After the last one, my husband said he's not burying anymore here, that he doesn't want to remember this house as our dog cemetery.

    Right now, we have two older dogs in our house. I'm sure when their time comes we'll have them cremated. Yesterday I was thinking about Sky, who we've had since she was a year old. We walk in a state park with her often, and she loves it. I think that's where her ashes will go.

  7. Thanks, Meg. I still cry a little every time I write about Katie, but I'm happy with where we placed her--she's right outside my window and across the pool. I'll take a picture when the plants finally bloom. Everything is budded, but no blooms yet.

  8. *snort* Susan--she's going to be a furry mini-me. :-) When the hubby and kidlet decided they liked that name the best, I pointed out that Maggie was a nickname for Margaret. They didn't know. :-)
    A long time ago, I did go by Maggie, but I didn't really fit the name and slowly reverted back to Margaret.
    I plan to show up . . . and cause all sorts of problems in the meeting! :-) I won't do that! But I'll be there.

  9. Hey, Kath--
    My geriatric cat was having difficulties when Katie died. He's 20 now and knew something was going on. He still comes over to me and cries, needing to hop in my lap to be hugged--and he isn't one of those lap kitties, He was always standoffish.
    Hm, I wonder how he'll deal with a new puppy in the house. I might need to grab my camera.

  10. I like the idea of spreading Sky's ashes over the area that you both loved to walk.
    We have a bunny, guinea pig and now Katie buried in this yard. We'll find a spot for Kato and Rocky when the time comes. We do joke about it being a pet cemetary, but it's a beautiful place to be buried--too bad it's illegal for humans to be buried in your back yard.


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