
What do you want to see here?

I forgot to write my post. Oops, sorry. I was busy this weekend: cooking, cleaning, gardening, plant shopping (I suppose that goes before gardening), laundry, AND I actually wrote on Friday night and Saturday getting about 2500 words for those days. YAY!

On an aside:
I know I don't have many followers, but to those who do read my blog I will ask this question, What do you want to read about?
Are there topics not addressed that you would like to see?
Writing, home life, how to get grass stains out of your kid's shorts?
Do you really care?

Sometimes I got nuthin'. I'm struggling for topics, be it the weather, writing-related stuff, or windsong . . . it stays on your mind, ya know. :-)

If there is something near and dear to your heart and you want this humble person's opinion, comment. If not, then y'all will be stuck with my ramblings.

My only request--keep it clean. I don't want to write or post pictures of hunky guys (enough authors do that ad nauseum)--it was fun at the beginning of my blog hopping, but it's so passe now.

Now, I have a story to finish, so I'll just . . .

Write on!


  1. I'd love to see that you made a sale! Or that your good friend Edie Ramer made one. ggg

    I haven't written in my personal blog for awhile, and I decided I don't miss it. It's more important for me to write my book. And I get my blogging done at Magical Musings.

  2. I hear you, Edie! I would love to report your sale (AND mine) on this loop. I like the MM glog--with four bloggers it provides a balance that a single blog doesn't.

  3. I'm with you on hunky guys, and while I'm interested in writerly stuff, I don't particularly care for how-to's on it. I like just knowing what's going on in your life. I want to catch up and be entertained a little. I do like pictures (though not a whole slew in one post) and rants and funny stories, and I like your short stories.

    So I guess I'm saying you don't need to change a thing as far as I'm concerned.

  4. Thanks, Marilyn . . . I've been thinking of another blog story. Originally I wanted to do a Halloween story (over done), but then I think it's going to take place over Fall Break in Silver Dollar City. No clue what happens, but I like fall in the Ozarks, so something creepy has to happen.

  5. I 'use' your blog just to keep up with you personally. I don't care if you write something profound or just expound on the challenging of barfing animals.

    Use the mental effort for your other writing!

  6. I did use my mental effort today, Jody! I wrote 2851 words, while doing 20 minute writing sprints. I'm going to finish up this little section and then I'm done for the day. I really, really, really want to finish this story this week!

  7. I agree with Marilyn. I like keeping up with you, love your pet peeves, rants, raves and general life.

  8. :-) thanks, Meg. The consensus is to keep on keepin' on!

  9. First time commenter here, but reader of your comments in other blogs, I agree with Edie's requests.

    Adding my two cents, I like to see how others balance the day and ignore guilt if goals AREN'T met. I kill myself with guilt and self doubt on a regular basis.

    P.S. And reading personal stuff is cool, too, because it helps others relate.

  10. Thanks for stopping by, Kath.
    Ah, the balancing act of writing and family life--

    Step One: walk child to school
    Step Two: dance all the way home
    Step Three: write.

    :-) Yesterday was that easy. I managed 3112 words by noon through writing sprints. Granted, I knew what I needed to write for my scenes, but I'm a pantzer so sometimes getting from point F to G is a stretch!

    Today . . . is errand day
    And I still haven't figured out how to save a secondary character from a KELPIE! Aaarrrggghhh! And yes, this is the second to the last scene in the ENTIRE story, and I got nuthin'.
    Maybe I can get an idea while standing in line at Sam's.

  11. 3112 words! Gasp! You are my hero. :)

  12. Pfft! It's only one day, whereas I had MONTHS of nothing. And I solved my kelpie problem while driving around in traffic. I'll probably need to toss it during my first round of edits, but it's a good 'placeholder'.


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