

Yesterday, I wrote 3811 words and COMPLETED MY STORY!! The first draft clocked in at 49,105 words, smack dab in the middle of the word count range for Middle Grade (40-60 K). At this point it is a totally ugly baby with notes written all over it. I think I have my work cut out for me to make it pretty.

The first draft of The Fast and The FAERIEous might be finished, but the work is far from ready. I'm letting it rest for a week while I try to plot out book #3 in this series, plus I'm going to look at the last 100 pages of Gnome one more time. I have a title for book #3, FOR WHOM THE BELL TROLLS, but nothing else.

My online goals group is holding a Tour de Force challenge, which is basically a NaNo in May. The challenge is to write 50K during the month--its doable. School is almost out and I won't have the freedom to write whenever I'd like during the day over the summer. So if I can have TWO rough draft manuscripts to work on, then I can sporadically work on revisions, write synopses and queries, over the summer.

Until tomorrow, I don't intend to . . .
Write on! :-)


  1. Thanks, Edie! My FF baby still has a red smushed face, pointy head and white icky stuff all over it, but I dun birth a baby!


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