
Spring has Sprung in Oklahoma

It will be later in the day before I get the pictures posted, so don't hold your breath. My day is out of whack as I have to drive hubby to work (doesn't want to get his corvette wet) and take the kiddo to get fitted for contacts (which will probably take two hours). I debated about lugging my computer, but decided against it. The battery doesn't keep it's charge and I'd have to search for a plug.
Hubster put this pond in eight years ago. The small window to the left of the Japanese maple is my writing window.

In other words, I'm going old school. Yep, pencil and paper. Okay, not a pencil. but a purple pen. How else am I going to write purple prose??

Actually, I have to figure out how my faerie is going to get past the dragon. I'll be beating my head against the wall again with that problem. I think I might just bring a book and make my life easier!

I took some pics of my blooming flowers, but can't figure out how to download off my phone. I may have to simply give in, take pics on my camera, download onto hubby's computer (he has the tether) and mail them to my computer. What a pain in the hinny! But I will get some pictures of my irises!

Pictures downloaded: Batik iris on the left.

On the right is a columbine. I don't know the variety and am actually surprised to see it blooming, since I didn't think it survived.

And this mini rose bush has the first buds of the season: Lemon Pearl.
I have about forty rose bushes, so I'll be shooting pictures when they come into bloom
Pictures later! They're up!
Write on!


  1. I have a purple pen too, and love the color. Have fun figuring out your faerie problem. :)

  2. Hi. I'm an OK SCBWI member who is making a list of blogs about our spring conference for Tod to post on our website (with Anna's permission). Would you like to be included? Email me at njhagy@yahoo.com. Thanks.

  3. Flowers look good, Margaret. My flowerbeds look bleh at the moment, but I had grubs to kill because they were eating all my flowers.
    And I like to "old school" it too. I usually use pen and paper for brainstorming and interviews with my characters. I'll write down everything I can think of, then go back later and cross of stuff that is a no-go. Eventually, I'll end up with some great idea. :) I know you will too.

  4. I think I'm going to have to take a long walk to figure my way out of this one, Edie! I don't want to do the *deus et machina* thing, but I don't want to make it predictable.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Jeanine!

    I try not to use a pen and paper, Ash, for one simple reason.

  5. I so admire people who can grow things. I am death to plants. I don't know why. No matter how correctly I care for them they just die. Sigh.

    Well, except for the %$#@ blackberries, it would take a nuclear device to kill those things.

  6. So the question is, do you really wan to KILL the blackberries, or tame them? Blackberries grow on canes that are a year old--so the new shoots that come up this year will have berries next year. After harvesting chop all the old canes and keep only the new shoots. Easier said than done especially it the blackberries are a tangled bramble bush, then I'd just chop everything to the ground right now and forego blackberries for this year. And wear heavy duty leather gloves. You'll still get poked, but not as badly.

  7. Blackberries are officially a weed menace here. We don't tame them, we try to kill them. If we kill/cut as many vines we can every year, then they don't take over the entire yard. There are still plenty left to yield berries. It's truly an awesome task to try to keep them under control.

    There is a 40-foot wide thicket of tangled blackberries surrounding half of my back yard. It's the best home security system in the world. You couldn't go through that tangled, thorny mass wearing chainmail and not come out looking like you'd been julienned by a a cuisinart.

    I have no doubt that if man becomes extinct, blackberries will take over the world.


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