Showing posts with label ww lifetime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ww lifetime. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday -- GET 'ER DONE!

All right. I have had it!

I've been putzing around with losing these last few pounds for MONTHS now. Yesterday, I lost 0.4. Big whoop. I need to kick my butt into gear because this is getting redonculous!

So what am I going to do to hit WW Lifetime--AGAIN?

It's back to basics.
  • Filling up on fruits and veggies.
  • Keeping my spoon out of the peanut butter jar.
  • Keep up my workouts and maybe adding a few strength-training free-weight exercises.
  • It's summer--drink lots and lots of water
  • yard work
That should be a good start to this mission.

On June 17, 2011, I started this weight loss journey. The first 35 pound flew off my body, but then the last 10 have been stubborn. I could list numerous reasons for this, and most of them are just lame excuses!
  • I stopped tracking
  • My body had been at that weight for YEARS and it equilized
  • I stopped measuring and weighing my food
Even though I still lost weight it was at a substantially slower pace than before. AND I still continued some GOOD habits:

  • Meeting my healthy check guidelines on most days
  • drinking at least 6 cups of water daily
  • eating 5-6 servings of fruits and veggies
  • walking--a lot--even in the cruddiest of weather
  • found a meeting leader/group that meshed with my personality

And for a long time I was okay with this, but now I'm NOT. I'm reaching my one year anniversary and I need to be at goal. So how do I get to goal in 11 days?

I did one thing that I hadn't planned to do, and that was raise my goal weight from 130 to 132 pounds. 132 is the upper limit of the healthy weight range for my height. I feel good. I look good, but I need to "Git 'er done!" I have a feeling that when I reach goal, the mental block that I have will be gone and I'll be able to drop the rest of the weight a little easier.

Another thing I did was to try to find my Lifetime pin. I still have a few areas to look, but I know I made it once before--in 1996 (we found my hubby's card and pin!).  The interesting thing about making Lifetime again is that I don't have to do the 6 weeks of maintenance--shoot, I've been doing that for over 6 MONTHS now!

I don't know about y'all, but I'm tired of reporting my non-progress on this point.

I'd like to finish with my Weighty Wednesday posts forever. I started them for me, but I often wonder if the struggles I've been facing on my journey have helped anyone else on their weight loss journey? I know keeping my weight in control will be a lifetime change. I'll be working at it on a daily basis as I know some days I'll make some not so good choices. Heck, we all do that, but the key is to have more days making EXCELLENT CHOICES!

Here's my question--And I wonder how many people will actually comment on my blog/Facebook/Google +--


Later, Peeps!