Showing posts with label tolerance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tolerance. Show all posts


Can Writers Still Enjoy Reading?

Jody asked: "Since you are a writer and are accustomed to dissecting your own work, does it affect your enjoyment of reading? Are you able to be a mere reader, or do you find yourself dissecting characters, plots, dialogue, etc etc when you read? Can you just take off your "writer" hat and enjoy?"

The short answer to this question is: Yes, we can still enjoy reading. In fact, many writers are voracious readers. If we want to stay in the game we need to read what is being published in the genre in which we are writing, but we have to take into consideration that these 'current' books were actually bought two years ago.

But I've also found that I'm less tolerant of slow pacing, characters I can't get into, dialogue that causes me to roll my eyes while reading, unrealistic setups or stupid plots. Yep, all those books get published. I used to plow through a book until the story got good, but now I don't have the time, or inclination, to waste on books that don't excite me. And this goes for debut authors as well as multi-published authors. Even big name, NYT best-selling authors write clinker books, BUT they already have a fan base and I doubt if their crappy books will effect their overall sales--unless they keep producing crappy books.

When I discover an author that I enjoy reading, I'm swept away by the story. I put on blinders, and a 'do not disturb' placket is hung around my neck. Do not try to converse with me. Do not ask me questions if you honestly expect answers. Do not expect dinner to get cooked--the phone number for Savastano's pizzeria is on the fridge. LEAVE ME ALONE!

Yep, those are the best books, and I keep them to reread over and over again. I know the hero and heroine are going to get together, or Harry Dresden will survive to be in another book--I reread for the journey, the roller coaster ride.

Does it take more to engage me now that I'm a writer. No, just a damn good story--and it doesn't have to be published. I've fallen in love with unpublished writers when I've judged their entries in a contest. If the story makes me forget I'm reading a story, then the writer has done his/her job and I'm a happy reader.

What do my writing friends think? Please chime in with your opinion!

Oh, I finally finished (it was hard!) my faerie picture book (PB)! YAY! Now, I can finish writing my middle grade novel, while the PB ages like fine Cab. :-)

Write on!