Showing posts with label the truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the truth. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday -- The Truth

When I started this Weight issue part of the blog, I promised you that I would tell it like it is.

Well, I lied . . . just a little bit.

I have managed to gain some weight. I'm currently at 135 lbs, which is three pounds OVER my goal weight (132) and one pound OVER Weight Watchers + /- 2 lbs range. Personally, I mentally make my unofficial goal weight (130), which makes me 5 lbs over my goal weight.

So, I've hit the weight wall again. I have until the end of March (for my official weigh-in at a meeting) to get my act together or I--
  • lose my AT Goal Weight status.
  • lose my free E-tools
  • fail in my goal to maintain weight loss for 1 year
  • disappoint myself along with a myriad of others who trusted me to tell it like it is 
I don't want to do lose these things as this blog and goal are very important to me. But this is just a reminder that all of us are human. We make mistakes. And sometimes those mistakes can snowball out of control.

And the only person who is to blame for this is . . . ME.

It's time for me to be accountable for my actions. No one is shoving food in my mouth, except me. I know what I've been doing wrong:
  • spoonfuls of Nutella and peanut butter are EVIL
  • though I'm trying to do Simply Filling, which allows an unlimited amount of specific foods, I need to start measuring and weighing food again.
  • making poor food choices at restaurants
  • NOT marking my daily Healthy checks off.
  • NOT eating enough fruits and vegetables
  • NOT eating enough fat free dairy products
  • eating until stuffed and not 'full'
Here are a few things that I'm doing right:
  • walking--though I have noticed with the cold wind I don't walk as freely, which reflects on my Activelink. The one day that was nice and warm, I earned 6 activity points, whereas on most cold days I only earn 3 activity points. Daylight savings time is this weekend, allowing for light in the evening, so I will be walking instead of crocheting while my daughter swims.
  • water--I'm keeping hydrated. I ALWAYS drink three cups of water on my walk, even on cold days. I fill my aluminum can with hot water and by the time I need a drink it's cooled to a comfortable temperature. The other three cups are easy to drink during the rest of my day.
  • take a multi-vitamin daily
What I've learned over my years of weight loss and maintenance is that when you get all the healthy choice foods in your diet, you don't want to eat the high-carb, high-fat stuff.

I really need to have a good weigh-in next week, because I'm going skiing soon and I know I'll be enjoying an apres ski beer!

Later, Peeps!