Showing posts with label gaining weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gaining weight. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday -- Prodigal returns to meetings

Over the last month or so, I've missed my Weight Watchers meetings. I've missed them more ways than one. Physically, been skipping them, and figuratively, I've missed the friendships, camaraderie, support, and my totally AWESOME leader, Julie.

Sometimes I have to become the returning prodigal daughter to realize what I have been missing.

On a side note: I also returned to my SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) meetings last night with a similar feeling. It wasn't as overwhelming of a 'welcome back' of my Weight Watcher's crew, but being warmly greeted and recognized was a nice feeling.

And I weighed in . . . officially.

This was the reason I missed last month. I knew I was over. I knew I was starting to slowly increase my weight in Jan, Feb, and March. I wanted to 'fix' it before I returned. But now, I was resigned to being over goal and was back because I knew I needed the support from the group.

But you want to know what missing those April meetings really did?

It helped me gain more weight.

I posted last week that it took a 2 X 4 against my head in the form of seeing 140 pounds on the scale for me to have a serious reality check. I buckle down and went 'no flour, no sugar', along with Simply Filling for about 8 days prior to weigh in.

With clothes on, I weighed 134.8 pounds.

The 'no flour, no sugar' didn't help as much as I'd hoped, but my clothes fit better and I feel less bloated.

I had to pay the meeting charge of $13. But my wonderful leader reminded me that I would have had to pay because I didn't weigh in during April. So, I guess, you could say I got a 'twofer'. Two for the price of one. I also had to pay because I was 0.8 pounds out of my goal weight range.

Lose 0.8 pounds by next week? I can do it.

Once I get back to my goal range, I can set my sights to a lower number. It helps that summer finally returned to Oklahoma. I'm not looking forward to the storm season, but I'm very happy about the warm weather. And there are loads of fresh fruits and veggies to eat!

The one thing Julie reminded the entire group was that though we were "losers", we were all winners. All of us have been in each other's shoes. We might have different food struggles to deal with, but the core of the matter is that we have started dealing with them--successfully.

We cheer our friends when they succeed. We commiserate when they gain. But ultimately, we are there for each other during the tough times.

This is what a support group is all about.

Later, Peeps!


Weighty Wednesday -- The Truth

When I started this Weight issue part of the blog, I promised you that I would tell it like it is.

Well, I lied . . . just a little bit.

I have managed to gain some weight. I'm currently at 135 lbs, which is three pounds OVER my goal weight (132) and one pound OVER Weight Watchers + /- 2 lbs range. Personally, I mentally make my unofficial goal weight (130), which makes me 5 lbs over my goal weight.

So, I've hit the weight wall again. I have until the end of March (for my official weigh-in at a meeting) to get my act together or I--
  • lose my AT Goal Weight status.
  • lose my free E-tools
  • fail in my goal to maintain weight loss for 1 year
  • disappoint myself along with a myriad of others who trusted me to tell it like it is 
I don't want to do lose these things as this blog and goal are very important to me. But this is just a reminder that all of us are human. We make mistakes. And sometimes those mistakes can snowball out of control.

And the only person who is to blame for this is . . . ME.

It's time for me to be accountable for my actions. No one is shoving food in my mouth, except me. I know what I've been doing wrong:
  • spoonfuls of Nutella and peanut butter are EVIL
  • though I'm trying to do Simply Filling, which allows an unlimited amount of specific foods, I need to start measuring and weighing food again.
  • making poor food choices at restaurants
  • NOT marking my daily Healthy checks off.
  • NOT eating enough fruits and vegetables
  • NOT eating enough fat free dairy products
  • eating until stuffed and not 'full'
Here are a few things that I'm doing right:
  • walking--though I have noticed with the cold wind I don't walk as freely, which reflects on my Activelink. The one day that was nice and warm, I earned 6 activity points, whereas on most cold days I only earn 3 activity points. Daylight savings time is this weekend, allowing for light in the evening, so I will be walking instead of crocheting while my daughter swims.
  • water--I'm keeping hydrated. I ALWAYS drink three cups of water on my walk, even on cold days. I fill my aluminum can with hot water and by the time I need a drink it's cooled to a comfortable temperature. The other three cups are easy to drink during the rest of my day.
  • take a multi-vitamin daily
What I've learned over my years of weight loss and maintenance is that when you get all the healthy choice foods in your diet, you don't want to eat the high-carb, high-fat stuff.

I really need to have a good weigh-in next week, because I'm going skiing soon and I know I'll be enjoying an apres ski beer!

Later, Peeps!


Weighty Wednesday -- Post Vacation Baggage

And I hope y'all know I'm not talking about all the prezzies I brought back from Disney World, right??

Well, okay, I didn't bring any prezzies back from Disney. Sorry. No one in my family is as crazy for the mouse as I am.

And I'm not talking about luggage going over the 50 pound mark for the airlines either!

I'm talking butt-baggage. The 5-8 pounds that researchers have discovered most people gain during a two week vacation.

I was on the upper end of that research. From the day before we left to the night we returned, I managed to gain 8, yes EIGHT, pounds.  Luckily, I managed to lose enough weight to be only 0.6 pounds above my goal weight! YAY! I'll drop the rest of it this next week as I like having a little more wiggle room with the upper end of my goal weight.

We walked like there was no tomorrow, but walking to rides isn't the same as hoofing a 15 minute mile for an hour. It just isn't.

When we were at Disney we were on the meal plan, which meant we got an entree and a dessert with our table service meal. Counter service was one fast food item, drink and dessert. I can honestly say that I ate most of my meals like it was my last.

The  most memorable meal was the tilapia at La Hacienda in the Mexican pavilion in EPCOT. I almost licked my plate! It was so good!

Many of the quick service restaurants serve pizza. We had pizza so many times and variations that we won't be eating pizza for awhile.

There are three meals that I regret. All of them involved eating late at night and McDonalds. Good and bad news about McDonalds. Good news--virtually every town you go through (if it's big enough to have a fast food restaurant) has a McDonalds. That is also the bad news. Every freaking town has a McDonalds! When we drove to a new location, many times we arrived late and didn't have meal plans. Eating a Big Mac at 8:30-9:00 PM is NOT a good idea. But I was STARVING and this did not result in a good choice. Yes, I could have chosen a salad, but their salads are not very good as they are prepackaged yuckiness.

So with all I did wrong did I do ANYTHING right?

Yep. I sure did.

  1. Along with bad snackies, we bought bananas, apples and 0% fat Greek yogurt.--most of the time this was breakfast: yogurt and a banana. The kidlet would eat sliced apples and peanut butter for her snack.
  2. I prepackaged the snacks in 1 ounce baggies--it took a long time to weigh and measure the dried apples, three different types of  trail mix, and goldfish, but it was worth it. I knew that if I had an open bag, I'd simply eat and eat and eat.
  3. Water--I packed water in the ice chest and we drank it every chance we got. I also packed a variety of Crystal Light flavorings for something different.
  4. Sharing meals and snacks--I never once ate my own Disney ice cream bar. I took a couple of ears off everyone else's Mickey bars, but never had one of my own. We still split many noon meals. Two meals for three people was enough food . . . trust me.
  5. Though we may have had a beer in every EPCOT country, I didn't drink a full one. Hubster and I split many drinks.
The thing to remember here is that vacations are meant to be getting away from it all. Yes, I could have behaved myself a little better, but I didn't. I know what I did and didn't do right, plus I know what I have to do to 'fix' this.

I'm back on track, are you?

Later, peeps!


Weighty Wednesday -- And a Gain

Alrighty then . . .

I gained 1.8 pounds this week. OUCH!!

Look, it happens. Shoot--its been happening to me since last November. Down/up, down/up, I'm so sick of it, but this time I did it to myself. It's called: Friday at Red Rock Canyon Grill--steak, beer, shared desserts (yes, that is an 's' at the end of dessert). A pitcher of Margaritas on Saturday night with cheeseburgers and tots, and Sunday brunch: two eggs over hash with avocados and bacon, AND pizza for dinner.

It's no wonder I gained almost two pounds.

I belong to a Facebook group called Weight Watchers. It isn't affiliated with the 'real' Weight Watchers, but the members for the most part ARE Weight Watchers. This morning, one person was lamenting about her weight gain of 0.2 lbs.


0.2?? That could simply be from drinking a glass of water and not peeing. Puh-leeze.

Anyhoo, she said that she didn't know what went wrong. She counted her points, exercised, blah, blah, blah. It could be a number of factors:
1) she's not 'fessing up about all her sins
2) she's not calculating her points correctly
3) she's exercising, converting her weight from fat to muscle.

My response was that she was using the "standard" point values provided for in eTools.

And let me tell you, my friends, those points are so off that it hurts!

For example:
A tamale is listed at 4 PPV.
But a calculated tamale at On The Border is actually 8 PPV. Double the amount that was stated in their 'standard' points. If you can find the nutritional information online for a restaurant, then calculate it as accurately as possible.

This discrepancy is the very reason I try NOT to use my weekly or activity points. I like to have the padding . .  . except sometimes the damage is too great, as in my current case.

What's done is done. I need to focus and move on.

Later, Peeps!



Weighty Wednesday

I'm discussing the phantom weight gain. Well, it really isn't phantom, it's very real, but it could be brought on by various situations. The key is to look at it analytically and not emotionally. This is where being an analytical-minded Virgoan who used to work in a hospital laboratory comes in handy.

Gaining and losing weight is an emotional rollercoaster. Many of us eat when we are happy, sad, depressed, socializing, evening noshing in front of the TV, through boredom, yadda, yadda, yadda.

--I'm a boredom eater.

Since I work out of the home now (writer, remember), temptation is less than six feet away. Yeah, I have my computer in the kitchen. This summer, I've been doing really well, in the sense that I'm not constantly trolling for food. But now that school is back in session and my kidlet is gone--I'm alone . . . with a pantry and fridge full of food.

But this is a slight tangent from my planned topic.  Still relevant, but a tangent none-the-less. :-)

As you know, my 50th birthday was last Monday. I weighed-in and loss a decent amount of weight (YAY), but then the spiraling downfall began.

Let me preface this next section by saying, 1) I am still writing everything down, 2) I am still walking (rapidly) every day for 45 minutes, 3) I am still getting my daily healthy checks in, 4) I am using my weekly points and have some left.

But I gained 5--yes, FIVE--pounds in less than four days.   What the heck is going on?? 

On Monday, we ate dinner at Flemings, a steakhouse and, though I had planned my Weight Watchers points, I made my first strategic error. I ordered their Prix Fixe meal--AND ATE IT ALL.

Note to self--don't order a Prix Fixe meal and eat it all. Shrimp came with the steak, but it was tough, and yet, I still ate all three pieces. I didn't eat the entire dessert, but that was only because I didn't want the ice cream part next to the lava cake--I still gulped down the cake past the point of feeling full.

Tuesday--I ate a large slice of chocolate turtle cake hubster had bought for my birthday. Leftover chicken piccata from Zios. Plus I made chocolate chip cookies--though I substitued 1/2 the butter w/applesauce and all the sugar with Splenda products, it was still BAD.

Wednesday--I ate 1/4 of a 4-inch square chocolate cake that Flemings gifted me with. Made the dough for my kidlet's amoeba project. Regular chocolate chip cookie dough w/o the chips.

Thursday--I ate another slice of chocolate turtle cake. Made icing for the amoeba--see how these tiny tastes add up?!

So, if I'm still within my points range (and using my weekly allowance), why am I gaining weight?  What the heck is going on??

There are a couple of things happening here. But first I must say--don't let this little weight increase derail your overall efforts. This is where being analytical comes in handy. If I reacted with emotion (trust me, in the past, I would have!) I would eat and I would fail. It's as simple as that.

This is my personal opinion and observations of my own weighty idiosyncrasies. The reason I am sharing my thoughts is because what I know might help another person on their weight-loss journey.

1)  Four days of eating a sugary dessert is three days too much. It's fine and dandy to have a good time eating and/or drinking alcoholic beverages, but limit it to one day a week.

2) Pasta and bread are NOT my friends. Though I do not have Celiac Disease, I have found that when I eat products made from wheat--I bloat. Yes, if I eat pasta for dinner, I will gain 3 lbs by the next day.

--After talking to my SIL, I found out that some people do not process flour the same way as others, even whole wheat pasta with a low glycemic index. If you suspect this might be an issue, take a little test. Don't eat bread or flour products for three or four days. That's it. If you start losing weight, then think about cutting it from your diet. Grains (oatmeal, quinoa, couscous, rice) don't seem to have the same effect on me, but you might slowly introduce them into your diet. If you eat out, ask for a gluten-free menu. Many restaurants have them, but you have to ask. I know I ate a WONDERFUL chicken dish at Zios once where they substituted fresh spinach for the pasta. It was incredible!

This next comment is for my women readers. I don't know if men have hormonal fluctuations that effect your weight, but I KNOW women do! 

3) About a week or so prior to our monthly event, the body is 'preparing' for the off-chance that we might get pregnant, which means we retain water. Over the years, my symptoms have changed, but there are two things that I can always count on: breaking out in pimples (yes, even at 50, I get the damn things!) and tenderness/heaviness in my boobage . . . AND a weight gain. This is a temporary issue. Once your period starts, you start peeing like a racehorse! That might be a little TMI, but it's true!!

Hope this helps y'all on your journey! Don't freak with a weight gain, just keep following the healthy checks and keep you WW points plus within your daily range. If after two or three weeks, you don't see a change, then amp up your exercise or lean up your food.

Later, Peeps!