Showing posts with label sound sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sound sleep. Show all posts


Microwave Popcorn

I awoke from a sound sleep at 1:48 AM.

Right out of REM sleep and in the middle of a dream of a banquet--that seriously resembled the swim banquet I had just attended--to the aroma of microwave popcorn--butter "flavored" popcorn.

Since the clock was right next to the bed all I had to do was tilt my head to see the time.


I was cozy. I was warm. I had found the perfect spot on my pillow. I so did NOT want to move.

Microwave popcorn is not known to be a quiet entity when one is making it. The microwave door opening and closing. The pops of the individual kernels.

There was only silence.

So I was also seriously freaked out.

My hubster was still next to me, so the only other culprit could be the kidlet. I listened to see if the kidlet was up gathering food in the middle of the night.


The popcorn smell was still strong. I got up and went to the bedroom door to listen.


I looked at her door down the hall.

Still closed.

I glance at the alarm pad next to the door.

Still armed. No one had broken in to make popcorn. Whew!

When I go back to bed, I stare at the clock for the next ten minutes listening, just listening.

Silence. The popcorn aroma is still strong . . . and no, it wasn't hubster's breath.

Somewhere along the way, I fell asleep to the smell of popcorn. The only thought that entered my mind was that possibly the hubster made popcorn when the kidlet and I were at the banquet. I vowed to check the trash for a bag when I woke up. I had already taken the trash out to the street for pick-up, so I knew there would be very little in the kitchen trashcan.

I awoke at a "normal" time of 5:45 AM. The smell of popcorn is gone. Once I'm downstairs, and before I make my coffee, I check the trash.

No microwave popcorn bag.

But I did kick one of Maggie's half-gutted dragon toys, which I had put up when we put the dog in her crate and went to bed . . .

Yes, this just happened.

And no, I have no idea what it means.

Later, Peeps!