Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts


Church of Wandering Thoughts

I try to be a good church-going catholic. Really I do. I sit, kneel or stand in the appropriate places. I know the prayers by heart. And I listen to the readings.

But when it comes to the homily where the priest steps up to the mic to relate the readings to everyday life--well, my mind goes bye-bye. It could be because priests tend to be a little out of touch with the world, or it could be because every priest that I've listened to has a well-modulated voice--i.e. monotone and 'soothing'.

Instead of getting sleepy, my conscious mind takes all my sub-conscious writerly-type info and goes to town. Usually, I channel different scenes, some from my current story and some from stories down the road. But last Sunday, I really got some good stuff.

Several years ago, I wrote a story called THE LEPRECHAUN CONNECTION. Though I pimped it everywhere I only had one real bite, but it was eventually rejected for being too diverse with numerous fantasy elements. So I shoved it under the bed.

Or so I thought. But this story preyed on my mind as I wondered about the back story of my main character. Plus I had introduced so many characters and situations that it was a shame for them to go to waste. How had things in Celestia gotten so bad?

Names have been changed, but the main character in Leprechaun IS my protagonist in my MG novels only this time I'm writing her back story in real time.

I started wondering about how evil half-blood trolls managed to get enough knowledge to rule Celestia, and now I know--the answer is in MG novel #3, FOR WHOM THE BELL TROLLS, but first I have to finish THE FAST AND THE FAERIEOUS.

Oh, and remember those early readers that I wrote about Peter the fly? They won't go to waste either as I have rewrites planned for all of them.
Oh, I may not sell any of these stories, but I'm having fun writing, or should I say rewriting, them!

So, remember, dear author friends, characters and scenes from books shoved under the bed are still fodder for your fertile mind. Make good use of these, and remember . . .

Recycling is good for the soul.

Write on!


Earth Day 2009

Short and sweet today!

Turn off your computers and write with pen on paper. . . that millions of trees have been destroyed to make.

Okay, let's try again. Read a book. That was made from millions of destroyed trees. Download an e-book. . . oops, using electricity again.

Go for a walk. Enjoy the sunshine--oops, unless y'all are getting much needed rain for your gardens. Hey, that's one, enjoy working in the garden, but fertilize with organic products--read that as cow, horse, or sheep poop. :-)

If you don't have to drive anywhere--don't. If you do, then plan your most efficient route and take right hand turns. One, they are easier. Two, they are faster than sitting and waiting for a break in traffic. Think about how long you have to sit with your car idling while you wait.

Uh, I printed out tons of agent info yesterday so I can query them today--does that count? Plus I want to finish a Dresden book. Plus I need to work on my sun worshiping. I think I can have a full day without using electricity or driving.

What about you? What are you going to do today that might be earth friendly?

Simply try your best to be as earth friendly as possible today.