Showing posts with label kleenex up the nose routine.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kleenex up the nose routine.. Show all posts


Whiny-butt sicky . . .

I hate to be a whiny butt, but I've been sick. Wah!!

I don't "DO" sick well, kinda like many males of our species. Usually, I just want to be left alone to wallow in my misery . . . though that is unlike most males who want to be cosseted.

Anyhoo, I've felt like something the cat killed, buried, dug up and ate before puking it up again. Everything hurts--joints, muscles, head, nose, you name it, it probably hurts. I've tried meds, but nothing works. Saturday night I got three hours of sleep and I was seriously excited!

I even took a test to see if this was a cold or the flu to see what I had.
It's a cold . . . I changed a few of my symptoms and still got a cold.  That's what I get for giving my sick kidlet a couple of bizzous (kisses) when she was sick. Yep, the little snotter gave it to me, well, actually she gave it to daddy who gave it to me. I think I'm about a day behind him.

I'm ready to get back to normal. I made the mistake of trying to read a couple of contest entries . . . they were bad, really bad. I'm hoping that it was because I'm sick and not because they were inferior entries. Guess I'll have to get better before I try to judge those entries again.

I'm not looking forward to Tuesday's weigh-in. It doesn't bode well considering I've been eating 'comfort' food with nary a veg in sight! Maybe I'll wait to weigh until after a 'procedure' I'm scheduled to have on Thursday.

...let's just say that I'm on a liquid diet on Wednesday and have to take meds to 'clean out my system' . .  ye-ah. . . joyful, joyful. This is looking like a fun-filled week.

Well, I don't have anything to add, so . . .

Later, Peeps!