Showing posts with label homework. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homework. Show all posts


First 'Official' Day of Summer!

Today is the first official day of summer as Friday was the kiddo's last day of school and weekends don't count. So, of course, I wake up at four frickin' thirty in the morning, finally gave up on going back to sleep at around five-fifteen. True, I'm an early riser but six o'clock is my normal time. This was just too nuts.

Rachel has an eye appointment this morning, but so far we don't have anything else scheduled. I promised to take her to the zoo afterwards. We have a nice zoo, but it's a two hour jaunt, if that, not including drive time. I want to stop by our Air and Space Museum to check out their summer programs for kids since it's close to the zoo--one stop shopping my fave.

I did enroll her in two summer camps. She has a two week break before she starts the first one, which is a week long soccer camp at TU (Tulsa University) that features the University's soccer coaches and players teaching these kids. She did half-days last year and loved it. I'll let you know after they run her butt off during the all day camp this year whether or not she loves it.

Two weeks off and then zoo camp called Meet the Predators. Tulsa Zoo also changed their half-day camps to full day ones, which makes it easier on the parents, plus they are offering before and after camp care for the parents who need it. Last year, I took my computer and parked myself at one of the picnic tables with a handy dandy plug and wrote. It was nice overlooking the lake while I wrote about demons and evil critters.

I did look into another camp this year, it's at Phibrook Art Museum. They had a variety of topics, but the classes were half-day for two weeks and over $250--OUCH! And that was for members! The hassle and money factor might be more than the educational worth.

And during Rachel's free time when she's not at camp: dollar or free summer movies, the zoo or aquarium (both with season passes), swim lessons (we have a pool at home), 3rd grade curriculum exercises, summer reading program through the library, and I bought her a book and supplies on how to draw dragons :-). And, of course, inviting friends or her cousins over for an overnight or just a day in the pool.

I don't see us taking a big vacation this year, though we will do some weekend jaunts to Silver Dollar City and Branson. And Rach expressed an interest in fishing, so we might have to get out on the lake to hook some sunfish.

Some where in there I'll have to find time to edit my gnome story.

Write on!