Showing posts with label haiku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haiku. Show all posts


Ode to Squirrel-kind

I'm here, but with the big kid (hubby) and little kid (kidlet) under foot, I don't really have much time to blog. I do have a huge list of topics to blog about, but that will have to wait.

And speaking of waiting, I decided NOT to attend my Weight Watcher's meeting this week. If I went by my scale in the bathroom, then I would have to say I gained three pounds. UGH! Time to cut bread and sweets out of my diet! I'll weigh in on Monday (weight gain or not!) and be back posting regularly next week.

Until then, I will leave you with a few squirrel haiku:

Suicidal squirrel
Runs toward busy road, watches cars
Changes its acorn mind

A globe of dead leaves
Sways in the breeze, always dry
A squirrel’s safe haven
or this one, because it makes me smile. 

Dressed in green and tan

Soldier of the ground and trees
Combat-ready squirrel



Barred Owl

Wise gray owl watching
spies me, blinks twice, and flies away
on soft, silent wings

I'm not a poet . . . wait for it . . . and I know it.

But I've been playing with Haiku recently. Today's walk gave me the perfect opportunity to try one out.  Traditionally, haiku has a 5, 7, 5 pattern, but Japanese on isn't quite the same as syllables. But I tried my best.

I looked this owl up in my Bird Field Guide, and I believe I got the right name. I had to paste the picture on Paint to enlarge it enough to see its markings, but the yellow beak was a give away.

I wonder what's in store for my walk tomorrow . . .

Later, Peeps!