Showing posts with label freezing rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freezing rain. Show all posts


First Real Snow since Blizzard of 2011

Yesterday, we had four inches of snow.

Since I had to take the kidlet to school, we started out a little early and managed to beat the snow. But by the time I got home, big flakes were coming down. This pic was taken at about 8:00 AM.

After I started the laundry, I decided to go for my daily walk.

It was a mistake. This was what I looked like twelve minutes into my walk. The path was starting to get slick and I decided I didn't want to have a slip and fall accident in the middle of freakin' nowhere! YAY! Sanity rules!

But I took some pretty pictures.

And home at last!

The roads were coated with white within an hour, but as I didn't have to go anywhere until I had to pick the kidlet up, I was good. When I picked her up, the roads were just wet and we made it to the dentist's office with no problems.

The problems arose when I wanted to pick up a pizza for dinner. There were very considerate managers who didn't want their employees to risk life and limb in the bad weather--kudos to them! But it would have been nice if they had left a voice message on their business phones stating that they were closed. It would have made for a less frustrated Margaret!

So we made mini cheese pizzas with ciabatta bread and my homemade marinara. Yeah, good times.

I slept until 3:43 when a huge clap of thunder woke me up. We're now getting rain and the temps are flirting with the freezing mark.

Time to drive the kidlet to school. I think today will be an indoor writing day.

Later, Peeps!