
First Real Snow since Blizzard of 2011

Yesterday, we had four inches of snow.

Since I had to take the kidlet to school, we started out a little early and managed to beat the snow. But by the time I got home, big flakes were coming down. This pic was taken at about 8:00 AM.

After I started the laundry, I decided to go for my daily walk.

It was a mistake. This was what I looked like twelve minutes into my walk. The path was starting to get slick and I decided I didn't want to have a slip and fall accident in the middle of freakin' nowhere! YAY! Sanity rules!

But I took some pretty pictures.

And home at last!

The roads were coated with white within an hour, but as I didn't have to go anywhere until I had to pick the kidlet up, I was good. When I picked her up, the roads were just wet and we made it to the dentist's office with no problems.

The problems arose when I wanted to pick up a pizza for dinner. There were very considerate managers who didn't want their employees to risk life and limb in the bad weather--kudos to them! But it would have been nice if they had left a voice message on their business phones stating that they were closed. It would have made for a less frustrated Margaret!

So we made mini cheese pizzas with ciabatta bread and my homemade marinara. Yeah, good times.

I slept until 3:43 when a huge clap of thunder woke me up. We're now getting rain and the temps are flirting with the freezing mark.

Time to drive the kidlet to school. I think today will be an indoor writing day.

Later, Peeps!


  1. Pretty pictures! You look so cold in your self-portrait!

    Be safe! Don't drive on those slick roads unless you need to.

  2. Luckily, it was 33 degrees when I drove the kidlet to school. It was just wet, but we still went early and took our time. My walkies will wait today until it dries out a little and the temps increase. I still don't want a slip and fall. That would be bad.

  3. Beautiful pictures.
    Please keep the snow up there. I'm loving my warm weather.

  4. Meggie--I think we're supposed to get some more snow on Monday! Luckily, hubs is home to do the driving!


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