Showing posts with label New blog title. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New blog title. Show all posts


VOTE for New Blog Name!

When I started this blog I was writing romance, but enjoyed the fantasy aspect of the equation, thus the FANTASY part of the story. The CRAP SHOOT has to do with the business, as in getting published is a total crap shoot. It all depends on a good story, luck, perseverance, and having the roll of the dice fall on the right number at the right time. Oh, and I suck at playing CRAPS--blackjack is more my game . . . or poker (when I'm playing with virtual money).

I'm not married to the title of my blog, never had been, as I came up with it at the spur of the moment and it's outlived it's usefulness.

Fast forward a year. I've found a new genre to write: Middle Grade.
I'm happy with this genre, even if I don't sell a story, as it fits my juvenile mindset and writing voice. So, I need a new header. And yes, I'm well aware middle graders won't read my blog, but their parents might.

To that end, I've set up a poll with a number of titles. And yes, my hubster came up with one of them and informs me that he will skew the voting--SO PLEASE VOTE FOR THE ONE YOU LIKE THE BEST.
--uh, my hubster came up with one of the names--guess which one!--and has vowed to skew the results. Please don't let that happen. . .

And if you don't like the selection, add your own in the comment section of this blog. Feel free to use any form of: rambling, blather, chatter, jabberwocky, gibber-jabber, hot air, etc.

And though I just finished #2 book in a series, I've started #3 as a writing challenge to see if I can write 50,000 words in the month of May! If I can figure out how to make one of those counting gadgets work, I'll keep it updated!

Write on!