Showing posts with label NaNo Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NaNo Challenge. Show all posts



NaNoWriMo means National Novel Writing Month.

It started many, many years ago when a small group of people challenged each other to write a novel in a month. If you want the dets, go here.

The 50,000-word challenge has expanded globally that also includes young writers. Young writers don't have to write a 50,000 word novel, but instead a 5,000 word story.

The goal is to write a new 50,000 word novel in the month of November.

Trust me, it can be done, but if you must work outside of writing, then plan on putting your social life on hold for the month of November.

Simply breaking down the required words for the month you in the range of 1650 words per day.

In other words *snork*, about 5-8 pages depending on font. My typical page in TNR is about 333 words, give or take, since narrative paragraphs tend to have more words than dialogue banter. But that's my normal page.

Now, I'm not officially doing NaNo this year, but I would like to write 50K on DRAGON which will put me in the 68K range for this middle grade novel.

I would also finish it at 68K. I want to do this for my daughter, since she wanted to know what happened after TROLL ends.

The reason I can't officially claim the NaNo challenge is because this story is already started. I'm 18K into it, which is about 60 pages, and I've edited 40 page to get back into the story. I also have a complete synopsis, which is a great guideline for where I need to go with this particular story.

So in my roundabout method I'm trying to tell you that I will keep blogging, but don't expect the blogs my typical well thought out blogs . . . *HA!*

Okay, I couldn't keep a straight face on that one!

If I'm really into the story, or life gets in the way, and you are tired of popping over to my blog to see if there's something new on it, then sign up on my blog page for you to get a new blog notice in your email box.

I don't have a list of who signs up, so I can't take your email info to spam you . . . I don't think blogger can either.

Oh, well, whatever.

I need to get back to cleaning the house, so I can write this week.

Later, Peeps!


Recap of this week

Uh, not good, peeps!

But my kid won her soccer game today! WhooHoo!

Yeah, on the writing front not so good, BUT tomorrow starts NaNoWriMo! Now, I haven't signed up because I'm in the middle of writing my current novel, but it doesn't mean I can't play along! I have many friends playing the game and I intend to be there to cheer them on! AND one of my nieces sent me an email yesterday telling me that she wants to write a book! Yay! She has wanted to write a novel since high school and decided she would regret it if she never tried--so she's doing NaNo! Go, Jen!!

AND Candace Havens is having her Writing Game challenge starting tomorrow! I love this challenge! She randomly picks a number between 100 and 2500 words and that is your goal for the day, BUT you can bank your points for those days when you can't meet the goal--this is the weight watchers of writing! :-) Now, if you aren't writing new stuff, but are editing instead, she has goal pages posted.

I don't like the format I used this week, so I'm ditching it for my next week challenges. I'll try something new. Don't know what, but I'll pull it out of my a$$ and figure it out. I DO think accountability is a big thing.

Speaking of which, here are my totals for this week:

Margaret: 5449/15000 words written, 5 contest entries judged, scores, and commented--will verify scores and send back today
Jody: wrote some, tuned air guitar, partied hard on her birthday weekend
Karin: MIA, but anxiously awaiting grandbaby, did write 2000 words via FB contact and tried to unplug to write more