Showing posts with label Cyclic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyclic. Show all posts


Weighty Wednesday -- Everything is Cyclic

Today's blog will be a mish-mash of observations concerning weight loss.

The good news -- I'm down a pound. Yay!

The bad news -- I ate really, really poorly after my weigh-in.

Which led to a hot flash last night, and made me think, "Huh, I haven't had a hot flash since we came home from skiing."

And then I put two-and-two together and actually got four.

Okay, here's the dealio:

These next few comments are simply my observations of the last eight months or so. There are no scientific facts to support my observations. And if there are are scientific facts, then I didn't use them to come to these observations.

  • Last night I ate poorly: 1/2 of an A-1 Thick-n-Hearty Whataburger and fries, chocked full of fat, salt, and probably a ton of preservatives. I had a hot flash. 
  • I had been interested in the concept of the Paleo diet, which led me to look up the idea of Paleo diet on Wikipedia--because you can find everything on Wiki. 
  • Paleo diet concept is very, very similar to WW Simply Filling concept, which is basically . . .
  • Food in its natural state is better for you
  • Raw fruits and veggies are better because your body has to work internally harder to break the product down into micro-nutrients to be utilized for energy. 
  • I had been having off-and-on hot flashes since last September, when I started gaining weight again, but didn't seem to care.
  • The previous week, I had been following WW Simply Filling technique. The interesting part about this is that it allows an unlimited amount of certain types of food: lean meats, fat-free dairy, fruits and most vegetables. No hot flash.
  • Processed or refined food is easier to eat and digest, which makes you 1) eat more of it to become satisfied, 2) is usually filled with preservatives, fat, sugar or salt, which in turn, 3) causes you to eat more of it. Therefore . . . 

  • Eating healthy for me foods will decrease my hot flashes
I think I'm onto something, what do you think?

Later, Peeps!


Life is cyclic

Ever notice how cyclic life is?

This is where it pays to have good karma. There's a reason for the trite saying 'what goes around comes around'. Life tends to bite you in the butt when you aren't looking, so try to exude good karma to those around you.

But this isn't a post about karma, it's about puking . . . animals, that is.

Almost nine years ago I had my daughter. I had zero morning sickness. So what type of child did I spawn? Yeah, we called her the puker. I knew the child would never choke to death because she puked everything up before it could get to that point. Over time, the puking slowed to a stop, she was probably around five or six at the time. YAY!

Or so we thought, then the geriatric fuzzy critters started. Yes, I now have puking cat, at least every few days or so, and a puking dog (age eleven) who projectile vomits monthly (the vet helped with Katie's problem and I feed her three small meals a day--so far, so good).

Kato Kitty is nineteen and pukes . . . a lot. At first it was when he would stuff himself with too much food. So I started feeding him less, in tiny coffee spoon increments, three times a day. Alrighty-then, but he began drinking copious amounts of water. Sometimes simply puking up the water or--joy, oh joy--puking up water AND food. At least it's dry food and usually still in chunk format.

He used to go to our closet and vomit on the floor. Though it was funny when hubster would walk in and step on a wet patch, it did wear on our relationship--okay, it still was funny--like the time hubster (I was at work, pre-kiddo) was home sick and he was watching cheats for a video game, and runs into the other room, plops down on his knees and lands right in a cold wet hairball. My stomach hurt so much from laughing so hard when he called to bitch about it!

Anyhoo, over a year ago we decided to recarpet the house. It needed it--cat/dog puke, you know--so we had to lock Kato in the laundry room to keep him safe. Food, water, litter box, and cat bed were put in the laundry room and he was a happy kitty. So we never moved him out. He's happy there. It gets toasty warm when the heater is on. Oh, when I toss clothes in the dryer, he thinks he's in a kitty spa with the dryer vibrating and warming his old bones. It's tiled, so when I feed him we lock him in for at least an hour--usually when he pukes--and it makes for easy cleanup.

Which brings me back to the topic. Life is cyclic. Don't crap on someone's parade, because when you want them in your corner--they'll just crap right back in spades.

Write on!