Showing posts with label Candy D. Licious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candy D. Licious. Show all posts


Post Birthday Freebie

Sorry, I don't have a whole lot to post today. I didn't have a chance to even sit down, much less write a wrap up of Universal Florida and Walt Disney World.

In case you don't happen to be Facebook friends with me--yesterday was my birthday.

I turned 52.

And as I mentioned to one of my FB buddies who wished me a happy birthday, "Age is all in your mind . . . and I will always be a kid."

Too bad, the body doesn't always retain its youthfulness!

The only problem with thinking you are much younger than you are is simply that you can take it too far.

Me--I'm just happy to be alive, to live a full life by enjoying the nature and people around me. I have fun and act silly sometimes, but I don't dress like I'm my daughter--that would just be creepy!

Anyway, my birthday was spent doing all sorts of errands--and not the fun type of errands where I shop for ME!, thus is the life of an adult.

By the time, I took my kidlet to swim, I was ready for a margarita, which my lovely friend, Margaret, provided!. . .erm, I'm not talking about myself here, I actually have a friend whose name is Margaret, actually more than one friend named Margaret, but this is swim mom Margaret, the other Margaret is my writing friend, Meg, whose real name is Margaret, but I know her as Meg.

More coffee is needed!

My book challenge, HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT WHILE EATING BONBONS by Candy D. Licious is FREE for the next five days! Just follow the title link to Amazon

Deanne and Mary--I'll find some way of making up the $1.99 you spent on it. Thank you so much for your support!  Yes, I only sold two books. Considering I didn't do any type of promoting, this does not surprise me!

As always, ANY review of this book is welcome. I don't care--well, I DO care, but--if you thought this book sucked, please take the time to post a review.
And if you don't want to read about my dirty little secrets--the weight GAINING kind--then don't pick up this book.

Or if you don't want a couple of my wonderful recipes, then don't pick up this book.

Or if you simply want to enjoy the Youtube video, my daughter's German teacher showed the class the first day of school, then don't pick up this book, watch this . . .

Okay, I think this is too funny! I might post more of them in the future.

Later, Peeps!


Weighty Wednesday -- How to Lose Weight While Eating Bonbons

Two days ago a writer friend posted a link to J. A. Konrath's blog.  Joe is the creator of Jack Daniels, a female detective, and the stories are suspense. Joe is also a huge advocate to self-publishing. Since he left traditional publishing 1) he's made more money, 2) sets his own deadlines, 3) been far more productive as a writer.

That aside, he posed a challenge to his blog readers: publish a story in eight hours, by doing everything yourself, cover, writing, and editing.

This was the kick in the tookus that I needed. I had been wanting to take my blogs and somehow merge them with my candy recipes. When I started putting the blogs together, I just became overwhelmed by the process.

Until this challenge.

This challenge excited me as a writer. Guess I do thrive on deadlines!

The book would be relatively short, only 10,000 words or so. And some of it has been cut and paste, a couple blogs and my recipes.

On Monday, I designed the cover using Amazon's Cover Creator.

And on Tuesday I started writing, and merging blogs, and writing, and editing, and spell checking, and formatting, and tweaking.

This is my final product.

And here's the link to How to Lose Weight While Eating Bonbons.

The price is currently set at $1.99, BUT will be free this weekend!

But those of you who have enjoyed my insight with my Weighty Wednesday blogs or want a couple of candy recipes, then please take a look and buy this book!

Not very subliminal of me, was it?

And no, it's not under my 'real' name. I wanted something fun and catchy. Yes, I know it sounds like a porn star's name, but, well, there you have it.

Later, Peeps!