
Weighty Wednesday -- How to Lose Weight While Eating Bonbons

Two days ago a writer friend posted a link to J. A. Konrath's blog.  Joe is the creator of Jack Daniels, a female detective, and the stories are suspense. Joe is also a huge advocate to self-publishing. Since he left traditional publishing 1) he's made more money, 2) sets his own deadlines, 3) been far more productive as a writer.

That aside, he posed a challenge to his blog readers: publish a story in eight hours, by doing everything yourself, cover, writing, and editing.

This was the kick in the tookus that I needed. I had been wanting to take my blogs and somehow merge them with my candy recipes. When I started putting the blogs together, I just became overwhelmed by the process.

Until this challenge.

This challenge excited me as a writer. Guess I do thrive on deadlines!

The book would be relatively short, only 10,000 words or so. And some of it has been cut and paste, a couple blogs and my recipes.

On Monday, I designed the cover using Amazon's Cover Creator.

And on Tuesday I started writing, and merging blogs, and writing, and editing, and spell checking, and formatting, and tweaking.

This is my final product.

And here's the link to How to Lose Weight While Eating Bonbons.

The price is currently set at $1.99, BUT will be free this weekend!

But those of you who have enjoyed my insight with my Weighty Wednesday blogs or want a couple of candy recipes, then please take a look and buy this book!

Not very subliminal of me, was it?

And no, it's not under my 'real' name. I wanted something fun and catchy. Yes, I know it sounds like a porn star's name, but, well, there you have it.

Later, Peeps!

1 comment:

Welcome to my little blog.