For example:
This is a basic diagram, and one I'll be using today sans the letters.
The question you might ask is why is a writer using a diagram like this? Especially a writer who is a very linear writer like me.
Well, it started yesterday when I was walking . . . and finally caught up with Ron (An older gentleman who I sometimes happen to see on the path. Usually we simply pass each other going opposite directions, but yesterday, I caught up to him).
He asked about my writing and I told him I was beating my head against a wall because of this synopsis. I mentioned that I tend to think linearly, but this story was a little more convoluted in the mystery.
And then I thought of the Venn diagram.
It could help me map out the the intersections of the story. I need to figure the connections, so I can scatter the clues in an appropriate way when I set the information in a linear fashion of story, Blake Snyder's beat sheet.
I've never done this before, and I have a feeling I'll be printing off many blank copies to scribble on them before I figure out the right combinations.
So last night when I couldn't sleep, I thought of various scenes to help fill in the spaces.
This is going to get good!
Later, Peeps!
Oh, SUGAR PLUM DISASTER (Christmas short) is still available for free.