Showing posts with label Billy Budd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Billy Budd. Show all posts



Why is it that every college lit teacher insists upon finding 'symbolism' in every single story?

Is there some book they must follow and teach this concept to every freshman out there? AND why must the teacher's interpretation be the right one? Can't an individual decide what something means to him and not be lead by a nose ring just because this person is the teacher?
Why couldn't the author just simply want to write a good/funny/emotional/etc. story without someone dissecting it to death?

It's been . . . *sigh* . . . decades since I took freshmen lit, but I still ponder why my teacher felt there was a 'message' in Herman Melville's Billy Budd. I didn't get it. Still don't. Personally, I'd be laughing in my grave if anyone thought there was any special symbolism in my stories--if it's there, then it's purely by accident.

Not everything you read is meant to be deep. Some books are simply for escapism. To live in the moment of another character's shoes. To enjoy life vicariously through a character. To transport to another time or place, worldly or unworldly.

To enjoy.

I suppose this is why I've never belonged to book clubs.

Write on!