
Fruit Flies and Stuff

I don't know what is going on with fresh fruit this season, but it seems that the fruit flies are one step ahead of me!

Of course, I quickly hit the Internet to see if there is a simple solution to killing the little Bas%&*ds!

There is.

Take a small dish. Add one drop of liquid dish soap. Add a couple tablespoons of cider vinegar. Stir with your finger. Set on counter and walk away.

In about 6-24 hours there will be little fly carcasses on the bottom of the container.

Nuff said!

I'm still taking a bit of a blogging break as I have been reading voraciously, but I did want to let you know that I updated all my links under the Foodie Friday tab, Weighty Wednesday, Writing 101, and my 2014 Works in Progress.

Check back during the week of August 4-8, as I have a surprise for those parents with kids (or anyone, really!) who are driving mom and dad crazy during the last bit of summer before school starts!

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