

In case y'all wondered, or cared, I've been on vacation, thus the blog went dark for almost two weeks. Normally, I pre-write blogs and log them all to go up on their respective days. This summer I didn't have  a chance since I was swamped with trying to get TROLL up and ready to go.

Speaking of TROLL--if you managed to get a copy and read it, or know of someone who got a copy and has read it, I would really, really, really appreciate it if you could write an Amazon review. Yes, even if you didn't like it, or thought it was fluff, or thought it was a kid's book (it is, but that doesn't mean adults wouldn't enjoy it!). I'm all about honesty on this blog, so if you get a chance to write a review, then please be honest.

Just because I'm mentioning TROLL doesn't mean that I wouldn't want a review on any of the other stories, I would. :-)

Anyhoo, after about a gazillion loads of laundry, retraining my naughty puppy, losing those 8 pounds I gained because I was eating like every meal was my last, and getting my kidlet ready for school next week, I should be up to regularly posting again!

Well, gotta go feed the pupper and then put on my walking shoes. Yes, I walked all over Walt Disney World, Universal Florida and numerous beaches, but it wasn't WALKING walking, if you know what I mean.

Later, Peeps!

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