
Foodie Friday -- Lemon Curd Cake--Redo

Today is my hubster's birthday!

EDIT note: I took pictures, but obviously the light wasn't nearly bright enough! Hopefully, I'll get better!
Happy Birthday, Sweetie!! I LOVE you! You are my sooooouuuul-mate. *snork* *inside joke*

In honor of his birthday, he requested Fleming's Chipolte Mac n' Cheese for dinner . . . and nothing else, except Lemon Curd Cake . . . which I am currently making.

So for today's Foodie Friday we are playing REDO Day. Here are those recipe links:

Fleming's Chipolte Mac n' Cheese

Lemon Curd Cake

Enjoy, Peeps!


  1. Happy birthday to your hubby!

    Macaroni and cheese . . . drool.

  2. Cake is put together. Stuff for mac n' cheese is ready to throw together. I'm planning to take pictures tonight so you can see the finished product.

  3. Happy belated birthday to hubster!
    Oh, yum, on the food.


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