
Shower Epiphany

I don't know how other writers get their epiphanies *lightbulb*, but there's something about being in the shower that gets my mind churning.

So, to that end, I was in the shower this morning, thinking about my GNOME cover--my cover designer Laura is on the final tweaks--when the lighbulb moment hit me. In the series, a medallion plays a minor role and Laura designed a medallion for me.  It will be placed in the O of Goblin logo.  Anyhoo, Laura couldn't make it work as I had written it, so she moved the dragon image to the top of the medallion. No biggie, I'll just change it in the story.

This morning I was thinking about the medallion: a dragon with its wings spread on top, while underneath a unicorn and phoenix face each other.

Oh. My.  Gosh!  *lightbulb*  I can't tell you the entirety of my lightbulb moment, but I can tell you that there will be a book or two down the road that will be based on that one thought.  OMG! It ties everything together.  And no, I'm not telling, but if you read GNOME (Book One of THE GOBLIN'S APPRENTICE) you will probably get an inkling of what I intend to do.

I'm a seat-of-the-pants type of writer.  I get an idea and, as I'm writing, the characters reveal themselves to me.  Sometimes I'll put something into a story, but don't have the foggiest idea why, until much, much later when it's revealed to me.

That said, I wrote GNOME over two years ago.  The medallion emerged in the story and yes, has a place in Books 2 & 3, but I didn't realize the deeper meaning of it until today.

Wow . . . I love the way my mind works things out.

Gotta get to work.  I've already chopped roughly 20% of GNOME--yep, about 8000 words, which is a lot of words on a <50,000 word story.

Later, Peeps!


  1. I love shower light bulb moments! What I hate are those "just dropping off to sleep" light bulb moments.

  2. My epiphanies come when I'm standing in front of the mirror putting on my makeup every day. I have to go back and forth and jot things down so I won't forget them.

    And people wonder why it takes me an hour to do my face.

  3. @Cyndi--it's the waking up in the middle of the night and jotting down gibberish that irk me. :-)

    @Jody--I don't even remember the last time I wore make-up!

  4. amen on the make-up! I so rarely wear it.

  5. I get epiphanies at some of the worst times.

  6. Yeah, Megs, I hate it when my adult time is interrupted. . . :-)

    "Sorry, honey, I have to jot this down." Simply throws a monkey wrench into the works.

  7. Margaret, I haven't left the house without makeup since I was 16, and probably never will.

    I plan to leave express written instructions by my bed that If I die in bed without makeup on, I am NOT to be toe-tagged or put into a body bag until it is properly applied. I'm thinking of including a photo tutorial and a mini-makeup kit just so nobody has any excuses.

  8. Too funny, Jods!

    Though curious minds want to know--has your significant other seen you 'sans' make-up??


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