
Assorted Blatherings

And yes!  We have Christmas packed away!  I know, I know, we're either overachievers or party poopers, pick your favorite.  We still need to 'spring clean' in the sense that all of us have run out of hangers.  And no, I will NOT buy more.  We must remove the clothes we don't wear or don't fit us any longer to make room for our new stuff.  And then we'll tackle the kidlet's craft boxes and toy closet. 

I'm also tired of the silk flower arrangements that I made when we moved into the house--15 YEARS AGO!  It's time to move out of the 90's and style our house accordingly.  The reason we haven't changed much in 15 years is because my hubster has very definite opinions about the house. For those of you who know him--no surprise there!  Right?  To get a meeting of minds takes much time, arguing and finding just the right doodad to fit in just the right spot. 
--Maybe this time next year we'll have our act together!

I'm not going to bore you with goal setting--I did that last year.  If you came here to figure out how I set and keep goals, then you need to check HERE.  The goals were different and some were met this year while some weren't, but this is my system and it seems to work for me.  I posted six blog entries, if you want to read them.  Scroll down on the right side of the blog and read away.

If you feel in the mood to read a short story, SUGAR PLUM DISASTER starts here.  It's a good story, though it has evolved during a few rounds of edits since I originally posted the story.  I really enjoyed writing my first serial blog story, but I must say that coming up with each part when I only had a day or two to think about it was stressful. 

If I can do anything in this New Year, then I want to help other writers to follow their dreams.  And no, I won't tell everyone about the magic elixir behind the tomato sauce in my pantry--THAT'S MINE!  Sorry, hate to break this to you, but there isn't any magic elixir since George Lucas guzzled it down.  So all that's left for a writer to do is to buckle down, write, and write some more.  Your first book may not get published, heck, your twenty-first book might not get published.  But all you can do is to apply your craft and keep writing AND submitting.  Yeah, hate to tell you this, but you WON'T publish if you don't learn the business of publishing and get your work out there.

That's it for now!  I guess I'll just enjoy my clean house for an hour before Maggie, THE DESTRUCTOR, gets busy with ripping up her toys . . . and the kidlet taking stuff out of her closet to work on "crafts". 

Oh, well, maybe I'll just go and get my hair cut.

Later, Peeps!


  1. I say party popper! :) I understand the need to clean up the chaos though. We really have to do that too.

  2. I'll take the PP designation, Cindy! :-) BUT I will be starting the New Year with a chaos-free environment.

  3. We'll take ours down at the end of January. We like Christmas in January.

    You and Amy Atwell are on the same page. I do clean out my closet every once in a while, but I'm too crazy busy now.

    Have fun cleaning!

  4. Since hubster and kidlet are home, I've found it better to rope them into the cleaning with promises of letting them play on the Wii when we're finished.

  5. Good for you, Margaret!
    I'm enjoying a clean house--not sure how that's happening with 4 dogs, rain. . . oh yeah, I just shut doors. Poof...mess is gone.

  6. I usually don't call my house 'clean'--I'm with you, it doesn't stay that way for long--but my house is usually visitor-ready and picked up. . . just don't do the white glove treatment on the furniture.

  7. Sometimes I just invite company over so that I know I will be motivated to clean!


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