
Chuck Sambuchino's new release!

Earlier this summer, I wrote to the editor of the Guide to Literary Agent's blog.  I was upset by an author, an English teacher, mind you, who 'drug' her students through numerous drafts, instead of dragged.   This term had become a pet peeve of mine when I critted a newbie author and she constantly drug things around.  AND my degree is in Medical Technology, not English.  But I digress, Chuck Sambuchino responded and we had a nice email conversation until he claimed his dog Graham was cuter than my sheepdog. 

Them's fightin' words, Chuck! 

Anyhoo, Chuck has a couple of books out and I offered to host him on my blog. This is his first book.  It's the BIG book of lit agents and it hit the shelves last month.

And his second book is near and dear to my heart . . . sort of.  As y'all know, I'm a gnome fan.  Heck, when I wrote my first middle grade story it was about a gnome, titled TO GNOME ME IS TO LOVE ME.  Well, Chuck looks at gnomes a little differently.

And yes, I am buying this book.  I have to put it next to GNOMES and SECRETS OF GNOMES.
So, I sent him a few questions and here are his responses.

1.What inspired you to write about gnomes, killer gnomes at that?
I have always feared garden gnomes for their creepiness and skills at murder, and it occurred to me that no one had written a definitive survival guide. It was a no-brainer. This book will show you everything from safeguarding your property to what happens when you encounter a hoard of gnomes in full-on combat.

2. How did you get the snazzy gig of writing the big book guides? Namely, The Guide to Literary Agents?
I was working as a staffer on some magazines here at F+W Media (a publishing house in Cincinnati) when a position opened up editing Guide to Literary Agents. I interviewed for the job and said “I love writing. I love the WD market books. Please let me have this job.” I got the position. Recently, I was told I was named the new editor of Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market, which is an even bigger book that GLA. So it’s a very exciting time for me.

3. What do you like the most about your job?
I love to write, so I would take an editing position for a magazine about plumbing or a book imprint that focuses on roller skating. But it’s such a privilege to write/edit every day concerning a subject—writing—that I care about. My job also puts me in touch with a lot of great writers and editors, and I am well aware that networking is important in any job.

4.How pampered is Graham? And does he truly run your house?
I do not pamper that flabby pooch, but my wife does endlessly. That’s why his body composition is that of a Jell-O Jiggler. He does nothing all day and somehow does less each day than the day before. It’s a vicious cycle, because the lazier he gets, the cuter he actually becomes, which results in my wife giving him more love, and he in turn gets flabbier. I wouldn’t say he runs the house, but I would say he exerts more way power than he should.

Until later . . . Write on!

Chuck Sambuchino is the author of HOW TO SURVIVE A GARDEN GNOME ATTACK, a humor book coming out Sept. 7, 2010. He is also the editor of GUIDE TO LITERARY AGENTS (2011 edition in stores August 2010) and runs a large blog on publishing: www.guidetoliteraryagents.com/blog. Besides that, he is a magazine freelancer, playwright, husband, owner of a flabby dog, cover band guitarist, and all around chocolate chip cookie fiend.


  1. Fun interview! Chuck, I'm a follower of your GLA blog and I've read many of your posts. I often link to them on my RWA-Wf Industry News column. Your gnome book sounds like a lot of fun!

  2. Dammit Margie! I was all excited until I found out he wasn't single. Hey, a girl has to have her priorities straight.

  3. Margaret, awesome interview, and thanks for the heads up about the new guide and the gnome book. Now. who says coincidences don't happen. You write gnomes and Chuck is afraid of them! Looking forward to reading it, Chuck!


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