
What is appropriate for Middle Grade?

For Whom The Bell Trolls: 35,000 words written as of Friday afternoon.  I don't write on the weekends, and let me tell you I don't think I would have HAD the energy to write.  Last week, I added 18,221 words to this manuscript. And yes, this is still the story where all I had was a title and a logline.  I should hit 50K by the end of this week, but I have a sneaking feeling that this story will end up being closer to 60K.  Will have to wait and see.

This last week as I was writing, I introduced a new character.  He'd been held prisoner (hunky elf in his prime, well, not quite hunky but anorexic and stanky, but you know what I mean) in the dungeon and Rhee was searching the dungeon for her buddy, Mike.  Rhee is supposed to be 12ish, but she acted a little more precocious than I think she should have.  I don't mean that she was panting after this dude, but she was aware of him. 

--Was this pushing the line?  I don't know, but when I edit it I'll have to decide if I need to actually make her older or tone down her comments. Any ideas or comments are welcome--I don't care if you read or even write MG, but do you know 12-yo girls?  Would this be normal?

That's it for today.  My brain pan is dried up and I need to write at least another 15,000 words this week to 'win' this 50K challenge.

Until later!

Write on!

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