
Pet Peeve--restaurants

For Whom The Bell Trolls:  At the time I wrote this blog on Thursday, May 13, I'm at 31,221 words.  I'm plugging right along, discovering interesting things about my characters and new secondary characters.  I wanted to kill someone, but he would do far more damage to my character if he betrays her.  Woowhee, does he cut her heart out!

Today's topic--restaurants.

I don't know what is going on, but it seems as if every time we go out to eat something goes wrong. And we eat out a lot.  For years, there might be minor issues, but nothing major. I don't think I've become intolerant or anything, but I have noticed restaurants requesting customer feedback more often and I've provided it.

Or maybe my family is simply attracting the wrong mojo.  And yes, I will be naming names.

Case #1 Red Robin  (early dinner with the family on a Friday night)
Over the months, we had simply stopped eating there.  I don't know why, but I'd guess it's the $9 burgers.  But we decided to go there one Friday and I had my chops ready to dig into an A-1 Peppercorn burger.
--they didn't have it.
But it's on the menu again, I argued.
--sorry, we don't have the ingredients for the sauce, but we can still make the burger. 
No, thanks.  What's the point of it if you don't have the sauce?
--why don't you try our new Bleu Ribbon burger?  It's half the price.
I didn't like it.  I left over half of it on my plate.  And was glad that it was half price.
Our waiter started off pretty good, but he got overwhelmed.  Plus it didn't help that we had a screaming kid at the next table.  It echoes in their restaurants due to the high ceilings and just the fact that we were eating in the five o'clock range, which comes with the territory.
I filled out a survey.  A few days later, the store manager calls.  I didn't blame anyone for the problems. Plus I found out the ingredients to make the sauce had been recalled.  Good to know.  Shoot, stuff happens. 
A couple of days later, I got two $10 coupons in the mail.

Case #2 On the Border (lunch date with hubster)
We knew we were in trouble when they stuck us in the black hole of tables.  On the very edge of the serviced area and the waiter has to walk the farthest to get drinks or go to the kitchen.  We'd been there before and service ALWAYS stunk.  It was worse than normal. 
Don't you just hate it when the waiter has the tea jug and fills the glasses at the next table, but then walks right by your table as you pleadingly hold your glass out to be filled?  Yeah, Add to that cold food, tasty, but cold, poor handling of the bill--took FOREVER to flag her down to GET the bill, much less pay it.  We usually pay by credit card, but it took so long for her to come back that we were scrounging in the seats for loose change so we wouldn't have to wait. 
--on an aside, I timed how long it took OTB to clear a table near us--OVER 7 MINUTES! 
I filled out their survey. I suggested they visit Ted's Cafe Escondido to see how to turn a table.  Again, I timed it.  On a busy Friday night, Ted's busboys turned a table in 15 seconds!
A few days later, I got a phone call.  A couple days after that a $15 card.

Case #3 P. F. Changs (had family reservations, Friday during prom season)
Waitress was slow.  Seemed she wasn't able to multi-task.  We were okay with it.  No place to go, so no problem. 
She messes up the appetizer. We ordered Crab WonTons-excellent and nothing wrong with them, but then she comes to the table with Spring Rolls.  Chang's ate the cost of the additional Spring Rolls. We get our dinner--delish, btw.  And she had a 8-10 person table leaving (multiple tabs) a new four-top and us.  We were forgotten. Did you know the waitstaff are expected to bus their own tables?  Clearly this system wasn't working.  Fifteen minutes later and she still hadn't gotten our ticket or cleared the other tables.  Miss Thang from up front tried, but I think she was afraid she'd bust a nail.  Our waitress struggled.  Of course, I made her life miserable by needing my Mu Shu Pork boxed--Hey, I got three meals out of it! 
I filled out the survey.  One of the questions: Did the manager stop by your table?
Uh, no, he was too busy flirting with the pretty little things manning the front.  And yes, I really did say that, because he was when we got there and when we left.  I also suggested they pry open their wallets and spring for some busboys!
Doncha love the honesty of a middle-aged woman who doesn't give a $hit anymore!?
Cha-ching!  A $40 gift card.

Case #4 McGills (fancy restaurant--date night--had $100 gift card)
The only reason that I'm including McGills is to point out that even fancy restaurants could use a dose of improvement.  And no, I didn't fill out a survey, nor did anyone ask my opinion, but I feel the need to vent. And yes, I did order a bottle of wine.
1) spend some money to refinish your tables when the stain is worn off
2) yes, it looks exceedingly tacky that you have a 24 oz. cardboard container of sea salt on the table, and a 12-inch tall pepper grinder.  Spend some money and make it a set.
3) for God's sake, order new menus!  I expect salsa on my Mexican menus, don't like it, but it is what it is.  This is supposed to be a NICE restaurant, act like one! 
4) don't tape the vinyl seats--replace them!
5) dusting regularly would be a plus
6) use a little ingenuity with your menu. Yes, garlic mashed potatoes are passe.
We were going to go to the Cheesecake Factory and take a couple slices home with us, but one of hubster's biz contacts bought two desserts. 
All told, I think we only had to pay $20 plus tip.

Case #5 Rib Crib (hubster out of town, early dinner with daughter)
Atmosphere--smoky as hell.  this particular restaurant has serious venting issues.  we've complained, filled out surveys, etc. but obviously the franchise owner doesn't care.
Food--not good. The ribs were awesome, but the non-fried sides were NOT good.  My daughter ordered corn on the cob.  It was brown.  Yes, brown.  And the waitress actually served it to us.  I sent it back. The baked potato wasn't a whole lot better to tell you the truth.  Oh, I know they have to cook these things ahead, but the food items on the same day would be ideal. 
Filled out survey.  Do NOT expect to hear from them.  Will boycott that particular restaurant in the future.

Case #6 Applebees (today, lunch, daughter off school, so hubster took both of us out)
Normally, we stay away from Applebees as the service ALWAYS STINKS.  The kidlet loves it and we usually boycott her suggestions, though they have the BEST boneless hot wings.  Today we went.  Yeah... 
We were seated and served our drinks and ordered the 2 for $20, which has an appetizer.  The meal starts off well... but that's it.  Five minutes later, the table behind us is seated.  Parents ignoring child who hangs over seat.  I watched.  Hubster makes pointed comments, dude behind him ignores him.  The mom isn't even tuned into her kid.  Thirty minutes later the table behind us get served OUR BONELESS HOT WINGS!  Try flagging waitress down.--she's in ignoring mode.  Finally, comes over and confesses that another waitress served the wrong table.  Manager arrives with order--we don't have to pay for it.
I cut apart my second wing--RAW.  I stop eating.  Show it to waitress.  Manager comes over and our meal is free.  We pay for kid's meal and drinks.

These cases have been in the last month and a half.  What is going on?
And as always.

Write on!


  1. what an interesting post. I rarely complete the surveys but will start NOW. :)

    I hate not getting drink refills. My hubby's pet peeve...you get the slice of lemon with your water or tea at the beginning but unless you beg/ask for it, no one brings more. Seems like to me if you used piece #1, that you'd probably want another piece.

    the raw chicken wings - ICK...DOUBLE ICK

    Red Robin - don't have one here, but ate at one in Branson (I think that's where is was). Won't do that again. BORING food.

    PF Changs I like but I find it overpriced.

    Am sharping my wit (and pencil) for next eating out experience.

  2. Ewww on the raw chicken. Loved the post. You know that I worked in a fancy smancy restaurant in college, then ran my own in Arpelar. If service is bad, you don't want me at your table. I have gotten up to refill my water/tea, then started refilling other patrons!
    I will start filling out surveys too. Got a $30 gift card from Olive Garden. Wiater wanted to clock out after he served out soup.
    DH won't go to Red Robin ever!

  3. Glad I could gross you gals out! :-) I'm just happy that I cut my chicken pieces instead of shoving them in my mouth!

    Cyndi, we can eat at P.F. Changs w/appitizer for less money than Outback w/o appetizer, plus my leftovers, so it's a good deal for us.

    Meg, you are full of interesting little bits of information. I did NOT know that about you! There have been times when I've wanted to stand up and refill my own drinks.

    Tonight, we went to Macaroni Grill. EXCELLENT service, excellent food, manager (a new one. yes, we eat there enough to know them!)stopped by the table. Our waitress even topped off my wine because they never use the last inch out of the bottle. So I got more bang for my buck! All around a happy experience! And yes, we did let the manager know that everything was wonderful.

  4. I like that you let the manager know that things were wonderful - so often people only hear when something goes wrong. They definitely need to hear when they're doing it right as well!

  5. For years, I've been filling out the surveys, mostly with good comments, but if the manager Stops by our table we always let them know we had a good time.
    After so many poor restaurant experiences, it was nice to get a stellar waitress--even the fancy,schmancy restaurant's waitress wasn't that good.

  6. I waited on tables for several years. There is definitely an art to it, and it is more difficult than people think to do it well! I know there are some things not within the wait person's control, but if they at least TRY to make it right that gets points from me. But there's just no excuse for some of the crappy service you experienced.

    My first restaurant job was the most fun I'd ever had...a theme restaurant where the entire staff dressed as costumed characters. Do you remember it, Margie? It was called "Molly Murphy's House of Fine Repute."

  7. I remember Molly's. I tasted my first Long Island tea there . . . and I was underage! oops! :-)

  8. I should start filling out the surveys. I never bother, either. My biggest problem is normally when I don't like a meal. But a lot of the time I don't know until I order it that I won't like it. Shrug.

  9. Hey, Edie! Heard you had a great conference this weekend! :-)
    I've found that if I order food that's not what I really wanted then I chalk it up to I should have asked the waiter more questions about it.

    We were at Bonefish Grill about six months ago and the waitress convinced me to order the Alaskan char instead of the swordfish. At this time I also mentioned that I'm not a fan of salmon.

    Got the char. I thought they had given me salmon--though it wasn't quite as pink as salmon, more of a pale pink.
    --it was also very salmon-like in flavor.

    I suggested to the waitress that she might want warn customers about that if they don't like salmon. Char has the same gamey, strong flavor.

    They offered to fix me something else, but I declined. It was date night and I didn't want Todd to wait for another batch of food for me (trust me, he would have). Plus it was my own fault--I should have asked more questions.


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