
Title + Logline = Story

Still time to vote! Three days left, and we have two front-runners: A Gnome Knows (in honor of my first MG story, To Gnome Me is To Love Me)and Goblin Gibberish, BUT I had a write-in title: Gnome de Plume (which I love BTW)

Onward to today's blog . . .

If you've been following my blog, you will know that I finished book #2 in my middle grade series, THE FAST AND THE FAERIEOUS. YAY!! And I had every intention of letting it rest for a week or two before diving into editing this rough draft.

BUT--I started book #3 in the series, FOR WHOM THE BELL TROLLS.


1) my writing group has a sub group called, Tour de Force, which hosts mini-NaNo's throughout the year. And May 1 started the second one of the year. All I need to do is write 50K, or in the case of middle grade novels, finish the story.

--And I'll never be able to compete in the real NaNo as November is too busy for me to spend that much time writing.

2) School lets out on May 24th. Though the kidlet will be doing a few camps over the summer, I know I won't have concentrated time to write without interruptions.

3) I can edit TWO stories over the summer. For me, editing is easier especially when I know there will be numerous interruptions.

And in case you're wondering, I've written 7027 words between May 1-4. Not too shabby, considering I won't be writing on weekends, though I did write 1500 words this last Saturday and Sunday.

Oh, and I don't have anything to go with this story, except a title and a twenty-two word logline.

So this should be interesting to see how this story turns out!

Later, peeps!

Write on!


  1. Go for it! I know you'll make it.

    And I love Gnome de Plume, too.

  2. Aaaannnndddd another change of vote! WooHoo!
    I'll get this story written by the end of this month! I just need to keep thinking about it on my non-writing times to work out the next scene or two so I can write it the next day.

  3. Another vote for Gnome de Plume!

  4. Wow! Go you! That's a lot of words in only a few days.

  5. If you've GOT to change the name of the blog, Gnome de Plume is the only way to go.

  6. WooHoo! Jody caved! :-) Gnome de Plume is now neck-and-and neck with, A Gnome Knows and Goblin Gibberish.

  7. Since I originally suggested "Gnome de Plume" along with another possible entry, I do not think that I have officially voted; so, how about if you chalk up one vote for me? Thanks!
    Ignats Pfufnik
    ("Iggy" for short!)

  8. Thanks, Iggy! After I finish this MG story--I'll have to brainstorm titles for #4! :-)

  9. That's a great title! I love it!

  10. Thanks for stopping by, Lydia! And another vote for Gnome de Plume


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