
Pet Peeve Friday!--Cell Phones

Drivers who use cell phones while driving.

Come on, people! Don't you realize you are weaving back and forth like a person with a .300 alcohol reading??

If you drive and utilize the cell phone while driving--For God's Sake PLEASE STOP! Take Oprah's vow or Allstate insurance's. Just stop. No call is so important that you risk your life and that of other drivers!

Personally, I hate phones. Always have, always will. . . except when I'm talking to my SIL Margie or my writing buddy, Cyndi, then it's no holds barred and I've been known to talk an hour or so. The only reason I own a cell phone is because I used to work the 5 AM shift at the hospital and my hubster wanted me to have a phone in case something happened.

If you must answer the phone while you are driving then pull off the road, PARK YOUR CAR, and return the call. As a society we have been programed to respond immediately. Uh, no you don't. We survived before cell phones were in use, we'll survive once again.

Oh, and for those of you who have been issued a cell phone for work--it's the company's phone NOT YOURS. And if they have a policy of no phone calls while driving and you have a wreck, guess what? They'll check the phone records. You betcha. Guess who will be looking for a job sans cell phone? YOU.

Something to think about.

Write on


  1. I don't have a cell phone. One of the dwindling population. We've thought of it, but I'm home most of the time, so it doesn't seem necessary.

    My son calls me on his cell as he's driving, and it's scary. I think I'll tell him not to call me until his truck is stopped.

  2. If it had been up to me, Edie, I wouldn't have one either, but it is a comfort to know it's there if I need it. . . provided there's coverage. :-P

    Please discourage your son from doing this. I know everyone who drives and talks doesn't think they are weaving or going dangerously slow or whatever, but studies have shown that talking on a cell phone is more distracting than talking to another person in the car. At least you have two sets of eyes to watch the road when someone else is in the car.

  3. I'm always amazed when I see a car with three or four people in it, and they're all taking on cell phones! Or people at restaurants sharing a table and a meal while talking on their phones to other people. What do these people say? "Hey, let's get together so we can ignore each other for our phones??"

    I've made/gotten maybe ten calls in my life that were truly important, calling 911 or having to deal with my mom in a life-or-death situation. And when the kiddo was in Iraq and Afghanistan, he had such a small window of opportunity to call that if we missed it, it might be another month or two before he could try again, so we always answered his calls.

    Other than that, cell phones are a pain.

  4. I don't know how many times we've had a date night and we see one or both of the couple next to us ON THE PHONE.

    Yes, I eavesdropped, and no, the conversation wasn't about work or something important.

    Time to dump someone's A$$!

  5. It's a good thing I don't believe in using firearms while driving, or all those people I see using their cell phones while driving would have bullet holes in their cars.

    A car is thousands of pounds of flying glass and steel and is a lethal weapon. The only drivers should be doing while driving is DRIVING!

  6. Now, you're scaring me, Jody! . . . can you come to my house? There's this teen who whips around the corner in her VW bug while TEXTING!! Yeah . . . wonder if her parents know she's doing that. Must let parents know...

  7. We have talked on the phone for over an hour MORE THAN ONCE!! LOL I hate to drive and talk. I don't anymore. I used to but it was always handsfree chatting.

    Texting...um BAD IDEA.

    BTW - went to the rodeo last night. Posted a few pictres.

  8. Thanks for stopping by, Cyndi! Glad to hear you don't talk and drive any more. :-) I caught your pics on FB, but I couldn't pull up your blog for some reason. It said it had been removed from Blogger.

  9. Even before the Days of Texting, I remember being horrified at seeing people (okay, women) looking in the rearview mirror and putting on mascara while driving.

    My ex used to be talking on his cell phone with one hand, eating a burger with the other, and steering his car WITH HIS KNEE. Or, sometime, he'd just tell me, 'here, you steer.' WTF?


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